Saturday, February 09, 2008

Squirrel Lips

Be sure to click on the photos to see the squirrel lips.

I really enjoy seeing his tiny little feet holding the sunflower seeds while he cracks them open.

The effects of overeating.

Not a good photo by any means, but fun. I bought about 10 lbs of peanuts for the squirrels and birds. Squirrels won't touch them yet. I figure a Vermont red squirrel has no idea what a peanut is.

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  1. Pretty good picture.

    When my boys was younger they had there cheek stuff and I honestly didn't think they could get any more in there mouth
    which they reminded me of a squirrel but of course they stuff more in there mouth,
    which I just shook my head

  2. Who knew squirrels had such cute little lips?

  3. With you they will learn what a peanut is, lol ! Did you borrow Miss Squirrel your lipstick ??

  4. Great squirrel photos. I like the lips too!

  5. I've never thought of squirrels as having lips...

    But they are cute little fellows, aren't they?

  6. Wow! I love, love, love your photos! The squirrel is sooo cute...and the colours of the jay are absolutely stunning :)

  7. Oh you have the cutest squirrels I have ever seen!
    They are so different looking then the squirrels we get here.

  8. Your squirrels are cuter than our squirrels. Ours just look like rats with fur on their tails.
    I wish we had blue jays around here. I miss them from the west.
    Nice pics.

  9. Wonderful photos, that poor squirrel looks quite unwell after overindulging...


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