Saturday, November 19, 2022


Sunshine Betsy

It finally snowed this past week. Not seriously, just several inches and then snow showers for two more days. The showers came from the lake effect snow which is giving Buffalo several feet of snow. We get Great Lakes lake effect snow in the early season, even way over here, a couple of hundred miles northeast. Today the sun is out and the temperature has finally risen to 32°F (0°C). But the windchill is 25°F (-4°C). And just like my car mechanic said, my studded tires are doing well for the third season on the ice and snow covered roads. Phew!

In Morgan looking south to Bald Mountain in
Westmore viewing the lake effect snow
clouds with visible snow showers.

Something about the snowy weather made the cats more visible. They interacted more with me, Lucy and each other. They are not sleeping together yet, but are both sleeping with me. Betsy likes to sit in the window sun, like the photo above. She's become very talkative, also.  However, Nell made sure a photograph was impossible. She's like that.

Lucy enjoying the first day of snow;
there is no green to be seen now.

I haven't blogged in a week because of more curriculum changes at school. That is not good and it is exhausting because I do the work at home. But our population needs the changes as students come and go or become, thankfully, more engaged in their education and can cope with higher level mathematics. It's also extremely frustrating. Now the holidays are almost here, so there are dinners to plan at home and school. We have nearly a week off this year for Thanksgiving. That is a blessing!

Every good kitty bathes before bed.

Good night, Betsy!

I have two arts this week because it is relaxing to do when you are tired. Stay warm this weekend! I'll be baking dinner rolls and doing jigsaw puzzles.

Sunshine Betsy

Bathing Betsy

preview110pieceSunshine Betsypreview140pieceBathing Betsy
Caturday Art at
Athena Cat Goddess



  1. Great art on the kitties, Nellie and Betsy. Hope you have made good headway with your curriculum change challenge.

  2. Hi Betsy, look at those big, big eyes ~ were you surprised to see all the snow? Lucy sure seems happy to see it!

  3. Sorry you have so much extra work to do at home. I bet you are glad you didn't get as much snow as Buffalo. Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzles.

  4. Dang, that snow made my whiskers shiver! The kitty art sure is pretty!

  5. Several inches of snow sounds serious enough to us. It certainly looks like a lot of snow!
    The art looks kind of chilly too - but beautiful.

  6. That's lovely art. No snow here in England yet.

  7. I hope you all stay warm, have a good holiday, and the curriculum changes do some good for the teachers and students.


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