Thursday, April 17, 2008

Red Squirrel Chatter

Wednesday morning: I was making my breakfast when I heard the agitated chatter of a red squirrel outside the kitchen window.

The kerosene tank is outside that window and the snow is still piled up high — nearly to the top of the tank.

There was the squirrel, chattering at something on the ground near the house. I took out the screen, got the camera, climbed into the sink, and took these photos of it. I never did find out what had upset the little thing.

The squirrel ran away when the dogs heard the chatter and began barking vigorously.

This may well be the last time I have an opportunity to photograph red squirrels until next winter.

They live in the woods and we hear them but don't see them in warm weather. They don't need to come to the house for food.

I enjoy seeing his little feet in these photos
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1 comment:

  1. Red squirrels are SO SO cute! We don't have them here, used to in NY. They are very feisty!


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