Sunday, July 29, 2007

Town of Barton, Vermont (Google Earth Challenge)

Here is part of Barton Township with the village of Barton. The village of Orleans is to the north. You can open each image to view them large in a new window. Each was grabbed from Google Earth with Skitch. I also used Skitch to annotate the second image. (Mac only, 4 beta invitations left!)

I give you a Google Earth Challenge: where do you live, work or play? I would enjoy seeing your Google Earth images. You can annotate them or not. I have no idea what Windows software you would use to do what Skitch does. Please leave your link to the Challenge here in the comments! Be sure to grab the button above!

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  1. Fun. I will have to work on this today!

  2. I see I really started something by introducing you to Google Earth! I'm glad you've found it as fascinating as I do :)

    I shall take on the challenge, Meeyauw, and post about it soon.

  3. i'm not too proficient with Google Earth (yet), but i've posted a couple of images in response to your challenge! (they're here.)

  4. Hello meeyauw, what looked like a few minutes work took up more than an hour's time :)
    My Earth Challenge is up.

  5. Ok, now I see where to leave my notice. I have posted my version of the challenge here


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