Monday, July 02, 2007

Peregrine Falcon on Barton Mountain

original photo

On Friday, June 29, I saw a small bird chasing a large bird on the mountain. This happens daily. The small nesting blackbirds don't like any of the huge birds around their nesting areas. But the big birds, usually crows, ravens or red-tailed hawks, will run in front of the little birds.


This bird had no anxiety about the little bird and continued hunting. I immediately e-mailed four people to identify this photograph and received this reply today from Chris Rimmer from the Vermont Institute of Natural Sciences (VINS):

another view
I'm quite sure this is an adult Peregrine Falcon, which have been nesting annually on the Pisgah cliffs since 1981. They are very territorial and regularly chase "invaders" like red-tails, vultures, and ravens.

Nice photo, thanks!

Thank you, Chris! I'm thrilled to now be able to say I have seen my first falcon! The Pisgah cliffs on Lake Willoughby are 3 - 5 miles to the east.


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