Sunday, July 29, 2007

Annalee Blysse: Google Earth Challenge

Annalee Blysse: Google Earth Challenge

Annalee's Google Earth maps show a wonderful contrast of Nevada and my area in Vermont.

Grab the button now and try it yourself!

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  1. Isn't Google Earth fun?

    I answered your question on my blog with an Edit. I hope it helps.

  2. You have a beautiful state, all those green trees and hills. Looks like fun. I think the grass hopper looks very tasty, but not the woodchuck. Your flowers and wingnuts shirt look nice too.

  3. Yeah, I'll get my cat story written today. When I post Off Writing that means I'm working on my novel and haven't time for a real post, but don't want to leave up the latst post up for too long.
    You live in a beautuful place up there. Your're pictures are always facinating.

  4. Ooops! Too many ups in that last comment. I haven't woke up yet...


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