Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Thankful Thursday: New Office, Old Friends

Amelia came to school Sunday and helped put my new office together. I have been moved, thank goodness, so now I'm not so isolated and am in the middle of the action. I no longer have a classroom; just an office. But this office is mine, unlike last year. No sharing. No copier machine. Nobody else's stuff. Only my stuff. Plus, I found my complete set of Sir Cumference books that I have not seen for four years! I finished unpacking and arranging things on Wednesday. 😎

Jody, Amelia, Anna and I spent one virtual night last week trolling Twitter and sharing hedgehog pics. I decided I had to have a hedgehog village. So Jody surprised me with a starter home and two companions for the hedgehog.  💖  

My hedgehog starter home.

My hedgehog companions.

Unfortunately, the dinosaurs from last year's fossil class escaped. . .

Oh, nooo!

Not to worry; all are happy and well. I'm going to ask some kids to make a backdrop and forest floor for the cubby where these are being showcased.

These are the things I am so thankful for this week. 
I am blessed.

Click for more Thankfulness



  1. I hope having this office space makes working easier and more manageable for you during school year. The hedgehog neighborhood will be a cute addition especially if the students give you a natural background.

  2. Having your own space. I love that. I had to share an office for a bit long ago and it was a bit more difficult. I loved having my own space.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  3. Yippee for having your space and help making it yours!

  4. Your new space looks wonderful and hedgehogs are super cool. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. That's a really good office, i'm glad you found the books and have a special "world" for the hedgehog.

  6. Your office looks great! It's nice to have your won work space, isn'tit?


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