Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sophie's Big Day Ends Badly
This photo was taken after her breakfast.
Sophie has wild days. Today she went to Dog Mountain
where there are many big birds to chase
and lots of mud to run in.
Good Mourning, Dove!
Outside temperature: 6°F (-14.4°C)
Doves close their eyes when they eat.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
WBUR & NPR's On Point : The End of the Math Wars?
WBUR & NPR's On Point : The End of the Math Wars?
For 20-odd years, mathematicians, parents, and teachers have been arguing over the best way to teach your children math. Well, a national panel formed by President Bush two years ago has just issued its findings, and is pushing schools to go back to the basics — memorization, multiplication tables, and less so-called "fuzzy math."
This hour, On Point: we ask experts if it all adds up -- and with their help, we do your kids' math homework.
- John Hechinger, education reporter for The Wall Street Journal
- Mary Eich, a former math teacher, she is the K-8 math coordinator for the Newton, Massachusetts, public schools
- Wilfried Schmid, professor of mathematics at Harvard University and a member of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel, which recently released its report
- Joseph Rosenstein, professor of mathematics at Rutgers University and director of the New Jersey Mathematics and Science Education Coalition
Sugar on Snow Supper
Technorati Tags: sugar on snow
Friday, March 28, 2008
LOL Cat Bible: Lectionary Readings for the Second Sunday of Easter
Psalm 16
Gud Stuffs
1 Hai, Celing Cat, I can has protekshuns?
2 I sez 2 Ceiling Cat: "Hai! Celing Cat! U R teh ooberest! LOL!!!11"
3 if u no lyke den u suck.
4 If u no lyke Ceiling Cat den F U, n00b! Sumthin bout libashuns!
5 Ceiling Cat can has my stuffses.
6 Thx 4 mah howse, Ceiling Cat!
7 U tells me 2 do stuff!
8 Ceiling Cat alwayz be wit me, kinda creepy
9 but oober asum!
10 Cuz u no leev me 4 woomun, Ceiling Cat, even if her chesticlz be hyoooooj!!
11 You teechz me 2 not suck
Acts 2: 14-32
14 Den Peter stowd up wit teh eleven an sed to teh cwowd: "Oh hai!
15 Weez not drunk sillee! It be nine ay em, DO NOT WANT!
16 U know wut Joel teh profitz sez? Wel I tell yu:
17 'In teh last daiz, Ceiling Cat sez,
Im in ur urthz, puurin teh spiritz on all kittehs,
Ur suns and doters can has profisies,
Ur yung kittehs can has fun time in teh eyez!
Ur old kittehs can has fun time in teh branez!
18 Yo!
I can has be puttin my spiritz on even teh servents! RLY!
And dey can has profisies.
15 Weez not drunk sillee! It be nine ay em, DO NOT WANT!
16 U know wut Joel teh profitz sez? Wel I tell yu:
17 'In teh last daiz, Ceiling Cat sez,
Im in ur urthz, puurin teh spiritz on all kittehs,
Ur suns and doters can has profisies,
Ur yung kittehs can has fun time in teh eyez!
Ur old kittehs can has fun time in teh branez!
18 Yo!
I can has be puttin my spiritz on even teh servents! RLY!
And dey can has profisies.
19 Iz gunna show u all ov teh fun stuffs up in teh Ceilin, srsly.
Oh! Yeh! Iz almos can has no memowies. Iz awso gunna show fun stuffz on teh urthz.
Oh wate, dos not fun! Urthz can has firez an smoke. Kawf! Kawf! DO NOT WANT!
Oh! Yeh! Iz almos can has no memowies. Iz awso gunna show fun stuffz on teh urthz.
Oh wate, dos not fun! Urthz can has firez an smoke. Kawf! Kawf! DO NOT WANT!
20 Teh big day staw, no moar!
An teh moon can has be all blud and stuffz. Yuk!
but den Jeebus can has be back! Yayz!
An teh moon can has be all blud and stuffz. Yuk!
but den Jeebus can has be back! Yayz!
21 An evewywun who be like "Jeebus!" can has cheezburger! Rly!'
22 Hey kittehs of teh Israel, lissen to dis: Jebus wuz of Ceiling Cat, srsly. He doed ALL teh cool stuffz an stuff.
22 Hey kittehs of teh Israel, lissen to dis: Jebus wuz of Ceiling Cat, srsly. He doed ALL teh cool stuffz an stuff.
23 An den yu kill him, rly.
24 But den Ceiling Cat browt him bac! He can has teh powah! Deths... wuz dat? lol.
25 Dis iz wut David sed:
'Ceiling Cat alwayz be wit me, kinda creepy
'Ceiling Cat alwayz be wit me, kinda creepy
26 but oober asum!
27 Cuz u no leev me 4 woomun,
Ceiling Cat, even if her chesticlz be hyoooooj!!
Ceiling Cat, even if her chesticlz be hyoooooj!!
28 You teechz me 2 not suck'
29 Kittehs,I can has wordz that teh David... he is ded.
29 Kittehs,I can has wordz that teh David... he is ded.
30 But he wuz profet, srsly. Ceiling Cat sed dat his kittehs one day be on teh thronez.
31 Den Ceiling Cat wuz all sayin about Baby Jebus raisen frum teh ded!
32 Baby Jeebus wuz all bac from the ded, yu kno dis. Yu saweded!
1 Peter 1:3-9
4 and will let us has chzburgurs and cookies wit him latr,
5 if u leik him.
6 Don’t run out of happy cuz some stuff is teh sux,
6 Don’t run out of happy cuz some stuff is teh sux,
7 cookies and chzburgurs r better than gold,
8 and tho Ceiling Cat is leik invisible bike,
9 u can has them if u leik Jeebus and believe in Ceiling Cat.
John 20:24-31
24 Naow Thomas teh dscpl wuznt wiht teh otehr dscpls wen Jesus camez.
25 Teh otehr dscpls sayed "OMG we haz sawed teh Dood!" But Thomas sayed "His wounz--show them to me."
26 Ltr, teh dscpls iz in teh hous wif Thomas. Teh doorz iz lockded, but Jesus waz liek "Oh hai!"
26 Ltr, teh dscpls iz in teh hous wif Thomas. Teh doorz iz lockded, but Jesus waz liek "Oh hai!"
27 And Jesus sayed "My wounz--let me show u them. Srsly, stfu."
28 And Thomas sayed "OMG! U rulz!"
29 Jesus sez to him "Becuz u seez me and beleevs, iz goode; but iz moar bettr ifs sumone duznt seez me but stil beleevs."
30 BTW: Jesus haz does a lotz moar of teh otehr stuffs, and I rites tehm downd, but I eated tehm.
28 And Thomas sayed "OMG! U rulz!"
29 Jesus sez to him "Becuz u seez me and beleevs, iz goode; but iz moar bettr ifs sumone duznt seez me but stil beleevs."
30 BTW: Jesus haz does a lotz moar of teh otehr stuffs, and I rites tehm downd, but I eated tehm.
31 But I dint eated theez stuffs, so u kin beleev Jesus and hav teh lifes, k?
Messages from LOL Cat Bible:
60% of the Bible is translated.
inclined you can follow what I'm doing.
Ceiling Cat sez yu mabee shud maek dis paypacraft.
We hope to have many other Holy Kitties featured this year.
Please e-mail your photo, caption and link to me at

Board the Friday Ark at The Modulator (submit your post here)
Weekend Cat Blogging #147 Mar 29-30: Amar and Luna at CatSynth
(see the week’s host to enter your WCB post
in the comments for the weekend roundup)
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 38 • 03-30-2008
The Brats at Pet’s Garden Blog
Optional Theme - Eyes Or Ears
(submit your post here)
The Carnival of the Cats #211 is going to
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 38 • 03-30-2008
The Brats at Pet’s Garden Blog
Optional Theme - Eyes Or Ears
(submit your post here)
The Carnival of the Cats #211 is going to
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Signs of Spring: The Raccoon
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It's A Fisher Cat
It was also pointed out to me many times that I am running a fisher cat luncheonette (the favorite food of fisher cats? Kitty cats.)
Signs of Spring: Pests and Moans

February 25, 2008:Hello,
We're running a travel piece on Vermont featuring St. Mary Star of the Sea Church for New York Magazine’s website. I found your blog through Google image and your photos might work for the piece. Would we be allowed to use your photos? As a rule, we include photo credits.
Here are the photos we would like to use: (here)
I'm under a bit of a time crunch, as my deadline is Tuesday (2/26). If you have any questions feel free to write back to me here or call me at 212-508-0718.
Thank you so much,
Maura Lynch
I'm so easy. I called Maura immediately to confirm she was a person and gave permission for the magazine to use the photos. Then I e-mailed all of my kids and told my digital photography class. I gloated. Maura warned me that they may not use the photo. Well, they didn't. They didn't even publish when she said: the article came out a few weeks later. And it wasn't about St. Mary's. It was about Jay Peak. It was pretentious and condescending (aren't those symptoms of anger and hostility?). New Yorkers who vacation here already have a pretentious, aggressive and condescending reputation to live down.
The last paragraph of the article: "The Chronicle, Orleans County’s weekly paper, offers local art-gallery, museum, and yoga-class listings and unparalleled glimpses of life in the Kingdom (recent headline: “Arland Macie knows how to run a wheelbarrow")."
I have all the old Chronicles (our weekly newspaper) but I don't remember that article. Anyhow, I get the creeps when people get chuckles at the expense of other people and their lives.
I'm glad they didn't use my photo after all.
End of moans.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: Downy Woodpecker

Please click on the photo to view full size in a new window.
Visit more participants by clicking
Wordless Wednesday
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Blog Your Blessings: Book Review: Silent Spaces by Sandy Carlson

I have been told countless times that memories comfort the grieving and they help to keep a person alive. Memories of your family that are given to you by members of your family add a dimension and context, even veracity, to the memories of an individual who has died. In my birth family, the dead are gone and are not spoken of again. They are actually hidden and secreted away in many ways. Sandy's book was a lesson for me in how other families deal with loss and memories: they share them in many ways.
Set in New England, I understood the sites, activities and images in this book. The sea shells and stone walls, even the deer, pumpkins and "dun trees," that may be familiar to everyone, I know in the context of the seasons that we have (seasons are used by Sandy as a metaphor throughout the book). Winter light, swamps, and old photo albums found in attics are so familiar to me that I can smell and feel the air as I read about them.
Sandy's book was an emotional and spiritual blessing for me. Every reader will find valuable insights when they read it. Click on the image above to buy the book.

Saturday, March 22, 2008
My Mystery Mustelid
fisher cat,
Martes pennanti,
Photo Hunters: Metal Porch Bench
This photo will open full-size in a new window when clicked.
Thank you for visiting.
PhotoHunt to view more participants.
Friday Fractal: — The Logistic Function Revisted
Catsynth posts about the logistic function in this post and it is fascinating. The images are lovely. Catsynth says they are "not strictly fractal", but they certainly are related. Be sure to check these posts out.
Friday, March 21, 2008
LOL Cat Bible: Lectionary Readings for Easter Sunday
1 Corinthians 5: 1-13
GTFO Bad Kitteh!
GTFO Bad Kitteh!
1 I hearz there is rong harblez in ur church, d00dz doin thingz even teh paganz dont do. Liek dis wun d00d is puttin harblez wif his daddi's wief. HARBLEZ NOT GO THERE!
2 N u iz all liek "O graet!" Why u not kickz him out?
3 I iz not even there but I iz wit u in spirit, so I can sez "Kickz him out!"
4 Get togethr
5 n gif dat d00d to Tacgnol so he can be saveded! Not so Tacgnol can be saveded LOL, to save dat d00d.
6 U bragz too much! U know a litl catnip maeks teh whole toi excitin.
6 U bragz too much! U know a litl catnip maeks teh whole toi excitin.
7 Get rid of the old catnip so u can be a new toi wifout it. Datz what u iz aniwai. Bcz Christ, our babi sheep, has been sacrafiseted.
8 So letz have te feest. No old catnipz tho. It wuz bad. Just cookiez of truthz.
9 I rieted u n sez "Dont hang wif peeplz who put harblez teh wrong placez.
9 I rieted u n sez "Dont hang wif peeplz who put harblez teh wrong placez.
10 I dont meen peeplz who is not in teh church tho, dey dont know betterz.
11 But doant let dem in teh church. If sum d00d in teh church is actin bad, doant evn eat cookies wif him.
12 It iznt my jobz to juj peeplz outsied teh church. Just insidez.
12 It iznt my jobz to juj peeplz outsied teh church. Just insidez.
13 God will juj teh wunz outsied. "Thro teh bad d00dz out"
Luke 24
Jesus comz bak
1 Teh ladiez taked sum catnip to Jesus's tomb. Thatz whear he wuz burid.
2 Teh stoen in front of it had bin movded,
3 but when dey wented in teh bodi wuz not dere.
4 Dey wuz kinda confuzed an dese two d00dz showded up. Dere clothz wuz shini liek lietnin.
5 Teh ladiez wuz all scareded but teh d00dz wuz liek "Why is u lookin for a livin d00d in teh plaec whaer teh dead d00dz iz LOL.
6 He iznt here, he got up! He told u he wuz going to.
7 He wuz liek 'I iz gonna get capshrd bai teh bad guyz an killded on teh cross an com bak to lief on teh thrd dai.' "
8 Den teh ladiez remembrd an dey wuz liek "We forgotted LOL."
9 When dey gotted bak dey telld all dis to teh elevn followrz dat wuz left.
9 When dey gotted bak dey telld all dis to teh elevn followrz dat wuz left.
10 Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary who wuz James's mom, an the ladiez who wuz wif dem who tellded teh stori.
11 But teh d00dz wuz liek "STFU" an didint beleev dem.
12 Peter at leest wented to teh tomb. He saw teh stripz of cloth dat Jesus had been rappted in an he wuz liek "WTF?"
Goin to Emmaus
13 Dat day a coupl of teh follorz wuz goin to Emmaus.
14 An talkin about whut had jus happnd, liek u wud expekt.
15 Whiel dey wuz talkin Jesus comd up, but he uzded majik so dey wudnt recognaiz him, like Gandalf in LOTR LOL.
17 He wuz liek "What iz u talkin about?"
Dey got all sad.
17 He wuz liek "What iz u talkin about?"
Dey got all sad.
18 Wun of dem - hiz naem wuz Cleopas - wuz all "U izint from around here, iz u? Bcz u doant know whatz goin on lateli."
19 "Liek what?" sed Jesus.
"Liek dere waz dis d00d Jesus," dey sed.
19 "Liek what?" sed Jesus.
"Liek dere waz dis d00d Jesus," dey sed.
20 Dey killded him on teh cross
21 an we wuz hopin he wud saev Israel. Oh an dey killded him three dayz ago.
22 Plus dis mornin sum of teh ladiez wented to teh tomb.
23 Dey didn't finded hiz bodi but dey tried to tell us dere wuz anjilz dere sayin he wuz aliev.
24 Sum of our frendz wented to teh tomb. It wuz empti but dere wuzint enni anjilz dere."
25 Jesus wuz liek "Foolz u iz actin liek n00bz.
25 Jesus wuz liek "Foolz u iz actin liek n00bz.
26 Itz not liek Jesus didint explaen all dis whiel he wuz here."
27 So he explaended evrithin in the Bible about himself, from teh beginnin. Dey stil didint know who he wuz k.
28 When dey gotted near Emmaus he pritendid he wuz goin farthr.
28 When dey gotted near Emmaus he pritendid he wuz goin farthr.
29 But dey wuz all liek "Itz laet, u can stai wif us plz." So he did.
30 When dey hadded dinnr he taked teh cookies an sed "Thank u Ceiling Cat" an shaerd dem wif evribodi.
30 When dey hadded dinnr he taked teh cookies an sed "Thank u Ceiling Cat" an shaerd dem wif evribodi.
31 Den dey finally recognized him, so he disapperd LOL.
32 Dey wuz all, "WTF?"
33 Dey wented straet bak to Jerusalem to teh othr followrz
33 Dey wented straet bak to Jerusalem to teh othr followrz
34 an wuz liek "Itz true! Jesus iz aliev an Simon seed him."
35 Dey tellded what had happnd.
36 OK so de dissiplez iz together, and Jesus is poof appear and liek "Peaz."
36 OK so de dissiplez iz together, and Jesus is poof appear and liek "Peaz."
37 They is all liek "hax!"
38 Jesus iz liek "wtf nubs is me."
39 Dissiplez is liek "o rly!" and Jesus is liek "ya rly."
40 Jesus is liek "srlsly guys. chex out my handz and feetz.
41 Dey still not believe, so Jesus is liek "It can haz be food times now?"4
2 Dissiplez is liek "here haz fish"
43 Jesus is like "kkthx" and eated teh fish.
44 Jesus is liek "nubs I told joo. it was writed."
45 Den Jesus is liek "I open ur minds."
46 Jesus is liek "srsly. Iz writed teh messiah sufferz and rizez again from teh ded."
47 "Also preech peez with mah namez."
48 He is liek "u r all being teh witnesses."
49 He is liek "I haz presents, but joo needs 2 waits."
50 Den teh Jesus is liek "come out to Bethany" and he is liek "blessins on joo"
51 Wile he blesses he is liek go to heaven. srsly.
52 The disciplez is liek "praise jebus" and goes back to Jerusalems.
53 Then dey is all liek in teh templez, praisin Ceiling Cat.
Enter the ICHC online Poker Cats Contest!
Get ready now cuz the wild weekend is coming!
Board the Friday Ark at The Modulator (submit your post here)
Weekend Cat Blogging #146 Mar 22-23
is being held by Kashim & Othello at Paulchen’s
(see the week’s& host to enter your WCB post
in the comments for the weekend roundup)
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 37 • 03-23-2008
with Samantha Black and Mr. Tigger at Life from a Cat’s Perspective
They’re stepping in for Megan & Bad Kittens Three at Bad Kitty Cats Journal
who are moving and won’t have innernets. Isn’t that sooooooo nice?
• Optional Theme - Easter Edition
(submit your post here)
The Carnival of the Cats #210 is going to Chey’s Place
Sunday Evening 3/23/08
(submit your post here)
We hope to have many other Holy Kitties featured this year.
Please e-mail your photo, caption and link to me at

We hope to have many other Holy Kitties featured this year.
Please e-mail your photo, caption and link to me at

Board the Friday Ark at The Modulator (submit your post here)
Weekend Cat Blogging #146 Mar 22-23
is being held by Kashim & Othello at Paulchen’s
(see the week’s& host to enter your WCB post
in the comments for the weekend roundup)
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 37 • 03-23-2008
with Samantha Black and Mr. Tigger at Life from a Cat’s Perspective
They’re stepping in for Megan & Bad Kittens Three at Bad Kitty Cats Journal
who are moving and won’t have innernets. Isn’t that sooooooo nice?
• Optional Theme - Easter Edition
(submit your post here)
The Carnival of the Cats #210 is going to Chey’s Place
Sunday Evening 3/23/08
(submit your post here)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Friday Fractal: Oxidizer Flames
Thanks to Chris Pirillo, I finally learned how to use Oxidizer. If you have a Mac, download Oxidizer for free and follow Chris's directions. Have paper nearby to take notes (I only took notes on the size of the image I want), and have fun. And it is addicting fun. This weekend I will begin to photoshop my flames. These can all be downloaded for desktop pictures. They are both 2560x1600.
♥ ♥ I love you, Chris! Thank you! ♥ ♥
Technorati Tags: Chris Pirillo, Oxidizer, fractal flames
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: The Last Day of Winter on Barton Mountain
Monday, March 17, 2008
HoT and CoT: Reanimated Buddy
For many months he lay near the computer, dead to the world, or so we thought . . . until my remote Buddy-cam caught him when he managed to vault the kitchen counter. This has not happened for many months now. Buddy required 9 more hours of sleep after this rigorous activity. Then he moved upstairs to my bed to finish off the day. And night. For twenty-three hours more. (Yes, that thingy under the sink fell off Saturday and we have to figure out how to get it back up. That should require like a year or two of deep thought.)

This is a combined post for Cats on Tuesday and Heads or Tails.
Thank you so much for visiting.
Thank you so much for visiting.

To visit other COT participants, visit Gattina
or click
Cats on Tuesday
Happy COT!
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