Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Haven

I spent the entire day from noon to 6 PM driving to New Haven, Connecticut — approximately 275 miles south — in order to visit Anna and Aaron during our long Teacher Convention weekend. It was awful from Massachusetts on. The rudeness, hostility, paranoia and anger everywhere emphasizes the tolerance and peace of Vermont. The filth, noise and pollution are also huge. I stopped in Wallingford, Connecticut to get a Coke and found the pay phone which I photographed and posted above.

I saw several animals that had been killed by cars on the highway: two skunks, a deer, a dog, a raccoon, a cat. But the saddest sight was when I drove by a coyote that had been killed and was lying on the shoulder of the highway. It's mate was sniffing the body and walking in circles around the dead coyote. It broke my heart. 

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  1. Years ago when I traveled a lot, I could tell what state I was passing through by the amount of trash and dead animals along the highways.
    At lease they posted that the phone was tapped.

  2. Sounds like a horrible experience. I'm sorry you had a bad trip.

  3. I hate driving into the city, too. Portland isn't terrible but I'd much rather stay out on our country roads. Sad about the roadkill and especially the coyotes.

    I wonder if the phone was actually tapped? Sounds like maybe someone paranoid had posted the sign. ;-)

  4. New Haven is a pretty awful part of the state to visit. To be fair - there are much nicer area.

    But yeah, there is a HUGE difference once you hit the Mass/VT border. I used to like the tranquility I felt once I hit VT on my way to Rutland.


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