Geoffrey Daniel, in his essay "Unfreezing the Moment" in The Art of Haiku, quotes The Haiku Society of America when he writes that haiku records "the essence of a moment keenly perceived." The Haiku Society defines haiku as "a short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature or the season intuitively linked to the human condition."
I observe nature every day at my home in northern Vermont, which brings pleasure and companionship to my life. You must be a patient observer of nature in order to see. You must also be a slow reader, and re-reader, of haiku in order to feel. Nature is lonely and often sad — as is haiku. This sadness of haiku has a name: sabi — "the lonely quality which each thing has in its singular existence when observed from a state of detachment." This quality of haiku has attracted me as I try to express with poetry my loneliness, sadness and pleasures. According to Jean Kahler, haiku describes a moment in nature — a "fleeting image" that celebrates "the importance of a tiny bit of the universe." This is familiar to me because of Emerson's and Thoreau's essays on nature that are so important in the history and culture of New England. The Buddhists may have begun writing haiku but I know that Emerson would have enjoyed and understood them.
The rules of haiku are both simple and complex: you must have the correct number of syllables, proper punctuation, kireji (or "cutting word") and seasonal words. There are special dictionaries of seasonal words called "saijiki" for poets to reference. While looking for an online saijiki, I found that many people are making regional seasonal dictionaries. I found them for Europe, India, Japan, the North American prairie and Alaska. I was unable to find a saijiki for New England, which was disappointing. I have been considering beginning one and asking other New Englanders to contribute as they observe the seasons pass. (Cherry blossoms are a seasonal word for spring for us in northern Vermon as in Japan. The wild cherry trees began to blossom this past week, as you can see in the photo for this post.) Observation is not just the hallmark of haiku. It is the hallmark, also, of science. I finally understand how the simple observation of nature and the simple writing of haiku can express the deep and complex emotions of our lives.
I urge any person who wants to understand haiku to buy The Art of Haiku, mark it with notes thoroughly and use it constantly for reference. Then go outside and observe the gift we have all been given.

Technorati Tags: The Art of Haiku, Gerald England, haiku
What a wonderful review, a lesson in haiku in itself, Andree. Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteHappy Mother's Day, and happy BYB Sunday.
God bless.
My Mother loves to write Haiku. Happy BYB Sunday, and Mother's Day :) mqf
ReplyDeleteTHanks for explaining Haiku. I knew the basics, but you gave me much more to contemplate.
ReplyDeleteHappy Mothers Day. Blessings during the week.
I can see I have another book to add to my ever growing collection to read - thanks for this review! :)
ReplyDeleteDear Andrée,
Your article was a delightful surprise to find!
Thank you for praising Gerald's book which I was lucky enough to know about when it first came out.
Gerald is very active with haiku activities, including the internet.
I can highly recommend Gerald's Haikutalk friendly and informative discussion and haiku posting site.
Haikutalk weblink: Haikutalk
all my best,
Just days away to the deadline!
Competition weblink:
The With Words Online Haiku Competition
Half of the profits are for a literacy project with children
in Africa (tba shortly).