Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Review: Upgrade

Upgrade Upgrade by Blake Crouch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Vermont Public Radio carries Science Friday and Science Friday has a book club. They meet virtually and discuss topics relevant to the book being read. I usually miss all of the meetings. I debated reading this book: it simply didn't ping me. But I did, and I'm glad. It was like reading a book while watching the movie in your head. Sure enough, Steven Spielberg is making a movie on this book

The hero, Logan Ramsay, and his sister were genetically upgraded to become super intelligent and strong. But who did that to them? Why? And why them? There is real science, lots of violence, and huge explosions: all the ingredients of a good movie that should be lots of fun to watch. It's a fairly fast read that kept me up too late after I passed the halfway point. I have made my Kindle notes public.

Articles on the SciFri Book Club site about Upgrade:

I have read three other SciFri Book Club books, only one of which I have reviewed. I have at least one more to read very soon. 

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