Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vacation Bible School Part 2: The Seagulls

Seagulls at Crystal Lake (1)

There are no photographs of children swimming and playing at Crystal Lake State Park. I was so busy photographing ducks and seagulls and talking to all of the other women there (after moving back to Barton and being recently married) that I'm afraid I neglected my duties of archiving the children's fun. The cookout was fantastic. The minister's husband and some others cooked the hot dogs and hamburgers, and they were perfect!

I tried to get seagulls soaring and diving about us. I got a couple of good shots and a couple of bad ones. The worst ones you will never see!

Seagulls at Crystal Lake (2)

The photo above is not photographically good but it shows enough of how a seagull swoops and changes course in midair. Her legs are set out in front of her while her wings are forced back so that she can brake and change direction. I am fascinated with this photograph.

Seagulls at Crystal Lake (3)

The photo above is my favorite of the bunch. The gull is actually above us but you can see Hardscrabble Mountain behind him on the right. Hardscrabble is at the far southern end of the lake in Sheffield. It is the site of the wind farm that has just begun construction after years of legal fights trying to prevent development of the ridge line.

Seagulls at Crystal Lake (4)
Seagulls at Crystal Lake (5)
Seagulls at Crystal Lake (7)

I hope we return to the lake for Vacation Bible School next year. I need more seagull photography practice!


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