Technorati Tags: American robin, Turdus migratorius
Psalm 104 1 Hai Ceiling Cat, I praizes u! U iz so kool, u wearz koolnez! 2 He is all wrapppd up in prety lites, and rollz out teh Ceiling liek tentses 3 and he gots a penthause up there. Ooo! He ridez in ur clowds, and surfz in ur windz. 4 Teh windz even talkz 4 him, n teh firez doez what he sez, srsly! 5 Ceiling Cat made teh Urth on teh fl0r, and u karnt mez it up. 6 Teh watr wuz all ova it, rite up 2 teh mntns. 7 U screemd and teh watr wuz gon; u just yelld n ther it went - 8 the mnts went up, n teh vallys went dwn - in teh plais u wantd. 9 Yew dun mess kz? R-Lce yew gun go outsidez, k? 10 Him maek da big cheezbrgr flow tru da Urth. 11 De guna geeb yew phude, ya. 12 Dem berdiez gun geeb yew da harblz. 13 Ceiling Cat geeb da Urth da gud meelk, den hee sleepz leik slaxxor. 14 He made graz for awl teh m00c0ws, and erbs for man so that he may get the munchies. 15 He made likker to get peepul tyred 4 teyh can has cat nap, oyil to maek greesy ph00d fer speshul hang-ovahs, and bred. 16 Him mek sum trees grew in sum hole in teh Midul Eest 17 Burd make nests 4 yung ph00dlingz , storks liv in fur trees. 18 upgrayded ram satz on hillz ses, "oh hai, Celing Cat made tis 4 muh u can go now." 19 The moon trakz sezinz, and the sun kn0ez when him taek nap. 20 Ceiling Cat teh awlmitee maeks it nite, and moocows and udder stufz comes out of the forest. 21 yung liyins com owt and seek Ceiling Cat's cheezburger but Ceiling Cat has tuh ses, "wtf i luk liek i not walrus u dont steel frm muh, gtfo ur goin Basement, k? thnxbai." 22 Wen sun c0me up tey go to crib for litul wilez. 23 sunz 0f adum work awl day and rest teh bownz al nitez. 24 Ceiling Cat has butt lowdz of cheezburger and cookie but He dont giv to teh pepul dey maek invizbul error 25 In the oshinz dere fishiz but sumtimz fish slip way so u get no ph00dz, but u can praize Ceiling Cat 26 Leviathans eated ships and efurt, but not Ceiling Cat's yawt were he be tokin with the lyunz at nite. 27 teh ppl say, "Ceiling Cat, are hungry." Ceiling Cat ses, "Oh oh butt u do aks of wurship then ph00dz, k? bai." 28 He fez tey by hand 29 He luks away then pops a cap in tey sinful self. 30 He comes to teh tiny urf, makes fudz, and it lives 31 Ceiling Cat lives 4evah, so don't think you can dis Him and get off 32 Him peekz lookz at the 'urf' and she trembles, he touches the 'hills' and tey smok. 33 You gotta rap the good rap about Ceiling Cat, or else he's gunna curze wiminz agin. 34 "Mi meditashun of Him be sweet: I will b glad in the Ceiling Cat teh almitee." 35 Dun be dumb, geeve Ceiling Cat ur soulz, will gib cheezbrger |
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What's the story - Wilmot Civil War memorial
Date: December 18, 2006
Page: B01 / Section: Local/State
WALKERS IN WILMOT Flat may notice an unusual Civil War memorial. Alongside the former Chase Farm lies a plaque dedicated to an equine veteran of that war. Billy Buskin, a horse who lived to the unusual age of 30, was buried here by his owner.
Capt. Francis Chase, who rode Billy Buskin throughout the war, was a wagon master of an ammunition train during the war, according to Florence Langley's history of Wilmot, Glimpse of the Past.
Chase originally asked for special permission to bury his companion with the Chase family in the town's Pine Hill Cemetery, said Barbara Sanborn, a town historical society member and a member of the bicentennial committee that created the monument. The cemetery said no, so Chase buried Buskin near his home.
Descendents of Chase donated the plot to the town in 1973, along with the nearby plot where Chase's dog, Captain, rests.
Copyright 2005 Concord Monitor
1 Blessid iz da feline no walk in counsil of wickid, no place paws in path of da sinnerz, no sit and purr with da mockerz. 2 But der delightz in lawz of Ceiling Cat, an ponderz much. 3 Tehy liek treez bai teh waterz, dat yieldz teh good fr00tz. Leef duzn't wither, prosperz much. 4 Not so teh wickid, dey like chaffz pwnt by windz. 5 Derefor wickid doezn't standz in teh judgemint, or sinnerz in assembly of teh rhytchus. 6 Ceiling cat watches over whey of teh rhytchus, whey of wickid getz pwnt. |
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