Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Photo Published

I took this photo on assignment for the local Vermont Farm to School people. A school garden was being harvested. And the photo was chosen for inclusion in the 2009 Farm to School Calendar for October!

Above is the October Calendar page.
Below is the back cover of the calendar showing all of the local participating farms.



  1. A published, professional photographer! Congratulations.

  2. Congratulations! It is so exciting when you get published. I haven't had any photos published, but then I haven't tried. I do once in a while get an article or two published in a small magazine. And I have 3 books, which I published myself, but it's not the same!

  3. Andree, congratulations! How exciting for you and the photo looks fabulous, no wonder it was chosen.

    I know how you must feel, 'cos it's the same when I have a story published. I'm so happy for you.


  4. Good for you, Andree. That's a great photo and an honor you deserve.

  5. ..great picture!

  6. A blessing indeed. May you have many more this week and in the new year.

  7. I was particularly taken with the shadowed three-dimensionality of your "pump-skin"... (that's what I thought the word was when I first heard it as a child...I thought it was because the farmer inflated it or something)... and now I go back to wondering exactly where the name DID come from......I gather the name for this squash is a Native American term....or is it?

  8. Sometimes you look things up and you wonder.. "Pump" or "pomp" is Dutch, and "kin" in Dutch means "chin". So if my theory is right and the Dutch named this gourd, "pumpkin" sort of reflects what happened to Ichabod Crane... he took one on the chin from the Headless Horseman. (But this is all guesswork.)


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