Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday Selfies Personalities

Sweet Betsy

Grumpy Nell

Night after night, I watch these three do their thing. The routine barely changes. Betsy is always happy, Nell is always grumpy, and Lucy loves to watch TV.

I am going to legally change Nell's name from Little Nell to Grumpy Nell. She's actually happy and purrs and wants scritches, but always looks the grump. 

But they are all friends and race me to the bedroom at night. That's what counts.

Lucy ignores cat drama and watches
TV with her Lamb Chop

Sunday Selfies at
The Cat on My Head



  1. Awww! A cat by another name will be equally as happy and grumpy.

  2. Love the doggie watching and kitties selfies ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative harbor)

  3. We have routines too! Every night at 9 we start agitating to get Mom to go to bed and every morning (if she is not up) we start bugging her at 7! We think Nel is not really a grump. She is like our human bro and can't help the way his face hangs. Keep being awesome! Purrs Marv

  4. The impawtant thing about any kitty is, of course, his or her Secret, Ineffable Name - which only the kitty knows.

  5. Betsy made me smile. What a cute portrait!

  6. They are precious companions to grace our days and nights.

  7. Nell's a cute grumpy cat. She definitely has that radar ear thing going though - what does she hear? I was looking at your about me page and see that you at a previous CT person. We used to live in Wallingford. Now we are the NFCs living in the south! Although we cats would probably like the cold winters of Vermont :-).

  8. It sounds like you have a lovely trio of cats.


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