Friday, December 30, 2022

2022 iNat in Review

Species observed by me in 2022
Orange: insects
Green: Plants
This is ironic; see below.

2022: I see I only interact with Jody, Amelia, and once with Charlie (a Vermont biologist)
Neylon is a syrphid specialist, beeboy is Vermont bee specialist, johnascher is internationally known for his bees

The irony: my most commented observation was a goldenrod gall.
That's because others and myself love the insects in them.

It was a better year for me on iNaturalist than the past three years. I hope to do more this coming season. I have also been slowly adding observations that I never posted in years past. The data on my 2022 year end review tells me a lot about myself. There is nothing new about what I see: I stay to myself and don't reach out much. I doubt that will change. There are so many memories of bug hunts and taking photos with Amelia and Jody . . . so many stories. 



  1. This is like a business analysis for blog future planning. I am not crafty in this and all I look at is the google analytics diaphragm in the stat section here.

  2. That's pretty cool and fun to see it all like that.

  3. Hello,
    I have not seen the iNaturalist website, I will check it out. It looks similar to the Ebird website. I wish you and yours all the best in 2023, a happy and healthy New Year!

  4. If you are enjoying what you do, keep doing it.

    I wish you a blessed and beautiful 2023

  5. What an interesting site. I'll explore it deeper.
    I wish you to be always happy of what you doing!
    Happy New Year, with health and joy!

  6. I'd not heard of this site before.
    My good wishes for 2023.

    All the best Jan

  7. I've not heard of this site either. Gonna check it out.
    Happy 2023, Andree!


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