Monday, October 26, 2009

Scenes from the John Hay Ecology Hike

Above: a white pine. These huge, straight trees were cut down by British forces while they colonized North America. They made masts for their ships. This ravaging of our forests was one of many irritations that led us to revolution.

Above: a geometer moth warming on a rock
There are over 1,400 geometer species in North America.

Above: the top of a tall tree. The tree has been cut in two by the woodpecker activity that you see here. Below: the rest of the tree from which this fell.

Above: an animal (probably squirrel or chipmunk) has excavated this dead tree for its lair.

Above: a hemlock tree. The difference between it and white pine is that the hemlock has small dead branches on the trunk as it rises into the forest.

Above: a midden — probably chipmunk, maybe squirrel.

Above: John and Amy have left the woods and are entering the fields of the main house.

The Main House at the Fells

Above: Mother and Child by sculptor Jack Dowd was on exhibit.

Above: Originally a stone barn at the Fells, this is now a private residence.

The John Hay Forest Ecology Trail Hike

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  1. Lots of very interesting photos. That moth is really pretty. I didn't know that woodpeckers could actually chop a tree in half.

  2. What beautiful photos, Andree. I'm amazed that a woodpecker can actually cut a tree in half...incredible!


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