Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Orleans County Fair: The Poultry Barn

I went to the Barton Fair on Saturday with my sister and her husband. One of my favorite places is the poultry barn. Here are some of the chickens I met. Above — Buff, a Rock Rooster.

Molly, a Mottled Bantam Cochin Hen

Stewie (what an unfortunate name!), an Old English Bantam Cross Rooster

A pretty unidentified hen.
Orleans County Fair Flickr Set
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  1. Those are some really interesting colors and markings on the various chickens. I guess I haven't given much thought to them, compared to cats and fish...

  2. I like chooks and there are certainly some pretty ones around. That rooster is a handsome looking devil, isn't he? Stewie...yes that is rather an unfortunate name.

  3. ooh! what a photography its awesome I have ever had seen these type pictures and Its really cute.
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  4. the fowl are always my favorites to check out at the fair!! Good pics!


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