Sunday, June 24, 2007

Two More Wildflowers Again

Both flowers are up back in my field. Taken at dusk tonight while walking with Zorro and Buddy.

Bladder Campion

Wild Chervil (I think).

My book (Wildflowers of Vermont, 2e by Kate Carter) says that wild chervil is a "noxious invasive weed newly arrived in Vermont." Parsley family.



  1. This is not wild chervil -- a weed I know all too well in Central Vermont.

    You can read about wild chervil at

    I believe this is yarrow, Meeyaw.

  2. Thank you, TrinkaVermont. This afternoon was the first time I had extended time alone to go through my books and your link and the Herald's link. I know now why I misidentified it! I am going to do a whole post on this because it is important to the state.

    Thank you so much!


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