Monday, October 18, 2010

And Speaking of Tractor Chicken . . .

Dust baths on the new leach field

After the kids had their tractor ride (see the previous post below this one), I looked out over the newly graded leach field and saw , , , what was that?? A dead chicken??

Dust baths on the new leach field (1)

Whew! It was just one of the girls taking a dust bath and ungrading the newly graded leach field!

Here are some of the best photos of her bath , , ,

Dust baths on the new leach field (4)
Dust baths on the new leach field (11)

Chickens don't roll completely over during their dust baths but they appear to do so.

Dust baths on the new leach field (12)
Dust baths on the new leach field (16)

The other hen appears to be kicking dirt at the first hen, but she is only beginning her bath by getting her "dust tub" prepared.

Dust baths on the new leach field (18)

The hens were at the peak of their weight in July. Fat, happy and wild.

But that soon changed to simply fat and wild once John saw what they were doing to his day's work!

Dust baths on the new leach field (23)


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