Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Three Photos

South Barton, VT station-.jpg
Relics of sawmill on Route 5

I was on a photography jaunt (for wind tower photos in Sutton) one day in July when I took these three photos. This old sawmill is south of Barton on Route 5, before the Underpass Road. I thought it was the old railroad station for South Barton but I have been told it was probably a sawmill. Let me know if you know.

Patti's Brook Trout-1.jpg
Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)

I continued home and ran across Patti fishing off a bridge on Route 5. Just as I walked up to her, she pulled in the brook trout you see here. She is using this photograph for her profile pic on Facebook now and says that the fish was great at supper that night!

Another Huge Rock-1.jpg
Another boulder yanked out of the back yard.

I finally got home and found that John had found another boulder under the earth in the backyard. He needed these chains to haul it out. You can see our back road on the right in the photo. The boulder is now at the corner of the back road, the big lilac and the wall going down to the backyard. Buddy and Oscar often nap next to the boulder because it is so large it creates cooling shade for them.

It was a good photo day.



  1. They are all great photos. The saw mill is my favorite in terms of composition, and the fish is my favorite technically.

  2. Thank you, Cat. They each have small stories to tell. None are big enough for a full post. Together they barely make one post! I'm glad you dropped in!

  3. Nice pictures, but poor fish !

  4. That trout is gorgeous. New England's landscape sure tells a strong story.

  5. Hi, I stumbled across your blog, and love the picture of the old saw mill. That is indeed what it is... I have some close-up pictures of it on another computer that I'll have to dig up. My grandmother would probably know more about it, as she used to own the red house next to it that was formerly K & G's What Not Shop.


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