Friday, March 09, 2007

Photo Hunters: Architecture

Hartford Municipal Building
Hartford, Connecticut
This building replaced the Old State House as the seat of city government when it opened in 1915. The design is of the Beaux-Art style, constructed of brick and faced with white Bethel, Conn. granite, with a copper and tile roof. All of the entrances are bronze. The 3-story central atrium is 25' wide by 150' long, decorated with panels depicting scenes from Hartford's history.
I took these photos when I lived in Hartford. I love this building and many others in Hartford. Hartford was the center of great architecture in the Golden Age, when Mark Twain and Harriet Beecher Stowe lived there.

I made a movie of these shots which can be seen HERE.
Thank you for stopping by! I can't wait to see the other posts!
For more photos, click "Read More" below.

Hartford's Municipal Building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.



  1. impressive design!!
    great choice for the theme.

    happy weekend!

  2. That's a wonderful piece of architecture. I'm sure the details are great especially when you see it in person. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate the visit earlier. Take care!

  3. very impressive building indeed!

    smiles, bee

  4. Just lovely! I am loving the theme this week!

  5. Nice! I drove through Hartford once (took a wrong turn), it was a nice, friendly city.

  6. I've wanted to visit the East coast for many years now, and this looks like a building I would enjoy visiting! Great shot!

  7. I am always surprised, you can go wherever you want in the whole world, the municipal buildings are always nice and beautiful even when the whole town is falling apart, lol !

  8. Great photos, what an interesting building.

  9. Hey! That's just up the road from me! And I love the Mark Twain house, too (of course, I love Mark Twain's writings, too!). It's nice to see some of my home state shown off here on your blog!

  10. Great photo. We enjoyed the movie too. Thanks for stopping by our blog.

  11. First: A very good photo
    Then: It's amazing og different architerural cultures can meet in such away you now show the blogger world.

    Great entry

  12. What a gorgeous old building. Court houses and gov't buildings always have the most amazing intriguing architecture. Great photo for the theme!!

    Thanks for visiting me

  13. What a beautiful building! Love the idea of all the entrances being bronzed!! I feel like I've been visiting so many cities, states, provinces and countries today:-) Have a wonderful day! xox

  14. I love the architecture from this period. It is so stately. Great add to the hunt.

  15. I started to study the beautiful building you posted, but I got distracted by the picture of Charlie standing in the tub 'o food! Go Charlie GO!

  16. Very stately looking building! It almost looks like the inside of the building used for the courthouse in the movie "And Justice for All" with Al Pacino. I just recently saw this again, that's why it came to my mind (No I don't always remember the inside's of buildings in movies!!) It was just that there was one scene when one of the lawyers went a bit nuts and started throwing plates down the hall and it reminds me of this.

    I also watched the video. I think I saw a fleur de lys in the architecture in that.

    Thanks for sharing some great shots and also for the visit to me blog!

  17. Great entry! It is interesting to see all types of buildings today.

  18. Such beautiful detail and it's stunning in white!

  19. That is an intimidating looking building!

  20. Nice video! That's an impressive building ...

  21. What a beautiful building! I'm from Connecticut (graduated from UConn, Storrs) and I've never been through that building... Now I wish I had ;)

  22. Very nice photo! I love government buildings, they usually have some fantastic designs.

  23. wow... beautiful building, great photo. I'd love to wander around inside that building.

    My first Photo Hunters post is up

  24. Great choice. Quite an impressive building and reminds me of my roots in the Boston area.
    Thanks for visiting my place.

  25. This is a beautiful building interior.

  26. I love stuff like this!

    Mine's up :)

  27. You are so right, some of these look a lot like the big entry of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Perhaps built during a similar time. I think the Met has had several different architects working on it over the years. Very nice shots.

  28. I love the clean lines and beautiful arches in this building. I've never been to Hartford before but it sounds lovely!

  29. Reminds me of the old armory building in West Hartford! I thought of posting some pictures of the capital and Hartford skyline along with other of the hospital, but already had enough pictures.

  30. Gorgeous! New England has the the most amazing architecture. That is a beautiful photo too.

  31. Great architecture ... For some reason, though, I started thinking of New Orleans Square at Disneyland ... Odd, huh?

  32. What an amazing collection of photos. Have a great weekend!

  33. Very beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  34. I love the details in the archway. Very nice design!

  35. It's pretty awesome! Great photo. Very good design.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  36. It's a beautiful building - and you seem to be really into architecture :)

    I also read your previous post - about Charlie - haha, he's one funny fellow :D

  37. Hey - I've been there!!! Great shot! I am originally from Connecticut - born and raised in Bridgeport!! After my parents divorce, my father lived in East Hartford for years.

    Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.

  38. Beautiful! Those are great photos. What a lovely building!

    Thanks for visiting. :)

  39. That's a beautiful building. :) Lovely photos. :) Great example of architecture!

    Thanks for stopping by and have a good day. :)

  40. The new State House don't really look particular new to me though.. I guess it's the design who looks a little classical...

  41. What a grand building. I love going to places that have great architecture like this.

  42. Nice! Excellence in architecture

  43. I'm speechless!
    Thanks for the visit.

  44. Beautiful architecture, I love the old stuff like that! You captured it well in the video too. Happy hunting from me and Nermal!

  45. I like Beaux Art style a lot -- not too fussy but grand enough to impress. And no, it is not Michelangelo's Pieta - considered THE Pieta. The one in Notre Dame was made by Nicolas Coustou (French sculptor born in Lyon in 1658 dead in 1733.)
    Pieta is term used to describe a sculpture of the Madonna cradling the body of Christ. There are many notable ones around the world.
    The "American Pietà" was the name given to a famous Reuters photograph of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, depicting a policeman and four firemen carrying the body of fire department chaplain Mychal F. Judge out of the World Trade Center rubble.
    I'm a trivia-kind of person so hope this isn't too much info LOL!

  46. wonderful photograph. I really enjoyed the movie too!

  47. That's a beautiful building. Why is today's architecture so lacking?

  48. looks like I am your 50th commenter...oh I should say something profound....hmmmm.....grand choice of is a lovely photo....

  49. what a beautiful shot! Did you tour Mark Twain's house when you lived in CT?

  50. I'm so glad you stopped by my photo, this building is pretty magnificent. Have to go watch the movie now.

  51. Wonderful piece of history and great choice for the Hunt. Thanks for including the details too!

  52. Oh, how beautiful :). I love this kind of architecture.
    I have actually been in Hartford several years ago.

    Have a wonderful week.

  53. A lovely building and the video shows it off even more.

  54. Never knew Twain lived in Hartford.
    Would love to see it in person.
    Thanks for visting my site.
    I'm off to see your movie :)

  55. Beautiful! thanks for visiting my pic :)

  56. Gorgeous picture! Lovely choice for architecture. That's quite an impressive place.

  57. Very nice photo. I rather like the photos of the "insides" of the buildings I've been seeing. Thanks for sharing! :)

  58. That is a great view!! Thanks for stopping by my place!

  59. That is the most beautiful building, and a great shot.

    Sorry for my late comment, I've been travelling. Thanks for visiting :)

  60. I love old buildings like that, it is beautiful. Thanks for stopping by!

  61. Very neat building. I always love floors done that way. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

  62. Wow! Great photos! I particularly like the staircase ones. What an interesting building.
    Sorry for being so late in commenting but I was out of town!


Thank you for visiting and for your comments!