Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Amethyst Crystal

My friend Sue gave me this handmade crystal bag for my crystal. But I didn't have a crystal, so Matt gave me one of his — an amethyst. They told me to soak the amethyst in water over night to clean it and then to have it sit in the sun for 24 hours. After that, I put it in the bag and wore it — expecting miraculous powers to emanate from it!



  1. Did you feel anything? I love the rough gems, they are more interesting than the pallid faceted gems.


  2. Hi! I actually did because I love the feeling of two people feeling me important enough to give me these things. And worn close to my heart, they were, well, close to my heart! It feels great.

  3. That's nice to walk around with gifts from two friends!

  4. beautiful, how fun. When I first looked, I thought it was huge crystal.

    I like the idea of wearing two gifts. May it bring you good luck and radiant good health and fabulous dreams, or whatever you'd like it to bring.


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