Tuesday, August 12, 2008

St. Johnsbury Excursion Train

While Amelia worked, Matt and I enjoyed the St. Johnsbury-Lyndonville excursion train as part of St. Johnsbury Summerfest. Above, Matt hangs out a window near the Passumpsic River.

There were two engines — one in front and one in back. This is looking at the back of the back engine (which became the front engine when we returned from Lyndonville) as seen through the door of the car we were riding in.

The car we rode in (it was empty except for us) as we traveled to Lyndonville.
Downtown Lyndonville — showing my favorite book store, Green Mountain Books.

Choo Choo the Clown entertained the kids. This family had moved into "our car" on the return ride. Apparantly their youngster did not like the train ride and cried all the way back. Which was why Matt and I had chosen to ride in the empty car. The other cars were full of noisy kids. The kids' noise and the diesel fumes gave me quite the headache that afternoon. (Yes, I love kids. I am a teacher. But hearing crying for an hour is distressing for anybody.) The little guy finally relaxed at the end of the trip and we all had a good time.

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  1. Green Mountain Books is the best book store in the universe!!!

  2. Cute smile! Fun pix. Looks like you've been having a great time.

    I used to ride the trains to NYC with my Mom/folks when I was a kid--loved it, would go between the cars up to the engine and "help drive" and back to the caboose. Or hang around the dining car and get treats from willing grownups. I loved riding between the cars.


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