Friday, July 19, 2024

July 18 Bugsit Video

I have decided to free myself from restrictions and simply make  videos without rules. Commenters have freed me. I thank you. Today is another iPhone memory video I made of today's finds. 


  • Margined Calligrapher (Toxomerus marginatus): a flower fly
  • Butterfly: Dun Skipper (Euphyes vestris)
  • Yellow fly: Hystricia abrupta, a tachinid (bristle) fly. The larvae of these flies parasitize other insects and arthropods. Many of the adults feed on nectar. I am not a fan.
  • Tiny crab spider (Tribe Misumenini)
  • One of the indistinguishable Looper moths (Genus Caenurgina)
  • Leaf beetle (Genus Plagiodera)
  • One-striped Deer Fly (Chrysops univittatus)
  • Macquart's Deer Fly (Chrysops macquarti)

We are finally having normal, awesome weather today. I have great plans for Sunday with Jody. 

If you like birds, please look at the new addition of bird song on the sidebar. I got the Merlin Bird ID phone app, made by Cornell University. It is free and it changed my life. Now all my family and friends are using it. I just stick my arm out (so that the phone does not hear me breath) and record bird song. 

Have a great weekend! 


  1. These are fun! I love Merlin.

  2. Bugs are quite fascinating, I wish I had more time to study them.


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