Sunday, July 31, 2022

Awww Monday: Lucy

Lucy is enjoying the sun in the evening.
If Lucy is happy and relaxed, my world is right.


Bug Fail

Syrphid fly (July 27, 2022)

Photo Sunday: A Hawk on a Sign

I used to take a lot of photos of odd signs. When #photosunday chose Words as the theme today, I looked through them to see what I had . . . and found a series of photos of a hawk sitting on a 43rd Infantry Division Memorial Highway sign in Newport Town at the intersection of Rte. 100 and Rte. 14.  Lousy light at that time of day. The hawk was undisturbed by my presence.  The 43rd served in the Pacific. "It was activated in 1920 as a National Guard Division in Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island, and Vermont." (Wikipedia)  More details can be found at Wikipedia and the Vermont National Guard. I am unable to find a resource that details this specific marker.
August, 2008

Click logo below for more Word photos.


Friday, July 29, 2022

Photo Fail: Nell

Nell won the photo shoot.
Click to see more Pet Photo Fails


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Feline Friday: I Told You to Stay Still!

Just so you know: Nelly is double-pawed, so she can hold on tight! She cleans Lucy up every night; usually lovingly.
I made this gif myself for free in Adobe Creative Cloud.
Visit the other Feline Friday bloggers below. To join in, click the logo here:


Skywatch Friday: The Moon, Jupiter & Saturn

This alignment of Jupiter (the biggest twinkle), Saturn (the smaller twinkle) and the moon (low in the center) happened in August of 2020. It was taken by my iPhone from my bedroom window and through the screen looking west. I'm still very proud of this one-off shot.
Click the Skywatch link below for more great photos:


Thankful for Another Long-horned Bee

I have been grateful for the weather this week that allowed the arthropods to be out in greater numbers. Yesterday, I posted about a new butterfly, for me, a lifer: the Delaware Skipper. It has not been previously documented in Orleans County. I have eight other skippers species, though, that regularly fly here. But yesterday! I got a long-horned bee. They have beautiful eyes and the males have magnificent antennae. They are very small, as you can see here with her on the top of a black-eyed susan. This is a native, solitary bee. They are all ground nesters, too. In looking through my archives, my memories, I found this bee in 2016 but never reported it. Here is yesterday's beauty:
Long-horned Bee (ssp. Melissodes

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Wordless Wednesday: A Lifer: Delaware Skipper

Anatrytone logan


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sunday Selfies: Week #414 Nell with Her Dog

Nell, of course, could not be bothered with a selfie today. It's time for naps. 


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Primrose Moths

These are the best photos of primrose moths (Schinia florida) that I took, with John, between 2010 and 2019. He discovered them one day while mowing and brought one into the house for me. We carefully photographed it and returned it home. It was so small and it took a lot of practice to be able to know how to handle them for the best photos. But we did and we found how beautiful they are with their bright green googly eyes. There is music but the volume is very low. You may prefer to watch it without the audio. 


Thursday, July 21, 2022

Skywatch Friday: Storms in Vermont and Connecticut

Oh, there were so many photos flying across the Internet today from two of my children and me. Two sets of photos of the heat-breaking storms are from Vermont. One set is from Connecticut. 

From my house in northern Vermont, Lucy watches the sky warily, but manages a small walk until she returned to me. When the leaves began to blow around in the air, she said it was time to go inside.

From Connecticut, a daughter sent photos and one video of before, during and after her storm: 

And again from Vermont, 10 miles north of me, another daughter sent these photos, the sequence of which she never specified. They had one inch hail, held by her husband, that I never saw. My mountain blocks a lot of the storms they get. 

Thank you for visiting.


Sunday, July 03, 2022

Oliver on a Rock

I have several huge glacial erratics on my property and was standing at the bottom of one photographing lichen on this day. I felt stuff landing on my head, so I looked up (and I was scared to see what animal could do that) to see Oliver three feet above my head on top of the erratic, knocking stuff onto me. Cats love to do that, right? Somehow I managed to get this shot even though my settings were for macros. This is one of my fondest memories of this cat; he was always ready for a hike out back. From April 11, 2012. 
