Friday, February 26, 2010

How Did You Spend Your Snow Day(s)?

Chicken chili and Walter Sands' Bread
  • Wednesday: I did my chores, made bread and cooked the chicken chili recipe that Faith gave to me. It took an awful long time to cook this but it was worth it. I was very happy and fulfilled all day.
  • Thursday: learned Apophysis and worked on photographs and old RSS feeds. I solved a problem with the coding on two blogs and e-mailed a couple of folks..I felt a bit of discontent and kept looking out the windows at the weather to see when it would clear.Ended up napping with the cats.
  • Friday: shoveled the deck for the cats. Cats don't care; they ignore me and won't move any longer — just sleep 24/7 waiting for the storm to end. I'm feeling the beginning of withering boredom.. Thinking of going for a drive to see the widespread devastation that must be out there to cancel school for three days now.
One of the many plowing outings.
  • plowed
  • plowed
  • plowed
  • plowed
diigo it


  1. The food looks delightful. The plowing no so. :-(

  2. sesicusp

    sometimes the word verifications are really fun.


    I typed it on top (here) and forgot to type it down there.


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