Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Oscar the Hopper Chopper

Oscar the Hopper Chopper-1.jpg

Yup, that's Oscar, our little yet great grasshopper chomper. Here he is after leaping through the air and catching, in flight, a Carolina Grasshopper (Dissosteira carolina). Those are the big grasshoppers you see during the last half of summer flying with the black wings. We probably all think at one time or another that they are huge butterflies, but they are big, prehistoric grasshoppers. You can view the original photo size here for more detail. After spending the summer learning how to expertly catch these hoppers, Oscar is now the champion mouser of the family!


1 comment:

  1. Oscar's too cool for any words I have! What a doll.

    Thanks for your comment on my poem. I am sorry about the loss of that child. That is very sad. My heart goes out to you and her family.


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