Monday, March 19, 2007

Cats Tuesday: Pansy

Baby Pansy

Like all my cats, Pansy was rescued. Truly rescued. I was working in Hartford, CT in the innercity when one morning a student told me that he had rescued a kitten from his garage roof. He said that some students had tossed the kitten up there and had been throwing rocks at it. He climbed up and got the cat down and put it in the house. But his mother wouldn't let him keep it. He was worried because he was sure that the kitten's leg was broken. In fact, he had taped half of a Popsicle stick on the kitten's little leg to set it!

Jose and I left school and went to his house to pick up the cat. She was a funny looking cat and her leg looked wrong. We drove directly to my vet for her blood tests and exam. I got a call later that afternoon: Pansy was fine! No awful diseases, and no broken bones. But she did have many birth defects. So I took Pansy home where she has been family ever since.

Young Pansy

Besides bent legs, Pansy has the wrong numbered toes on each foot. Where cats will have four toes on the front and five on the back, Pansy has 4 toes in back on one, 6 toes on another, and 5 on each front foot. The vet and I were reluctant to spay Pansy because, the vet said, the rule of thumb for birth defects is "1 on the outside and 3 on the inside." But we took special precautions and she had no problems.

Adult Pansy with pals.

Pansy does not socialize with humans: only cats. She is cared for by them. They know it is difficult for her to get around and they watch over her. Nobody ever picks on her, not even those nasty boys Buddy and Charlie. She sleeps, eats, and plays with anybody she chooses. Her favorite of the bunch for some reason, is Buddy, She is never part of any hierarchical or territorial dispute. Just goes to show that cats take care of their special citizens!

Thank you for stopping by! I hope spring is beginning where you live. Have a great week!



  1. This is such a special story. Pansy is lucky to have you and your other kitties! Great pictures, too!

  2. I think I would have taken a wooden stick and beaten the hell out of these "students" before throwing them on a roof ! Poor Pansy, lucky you could safe her. Some cats are just like her. Kim too, she doesn't like humans very much but loves all cats. She also never had a fight. And Kim was born in my friends house and had never had troubles in her life, but still she is very shy.

  3. Aaawww, Pansy is just gorgeous. What a wonderful person you are to save her. Glad she has a happy, safe life with you.
    Take care, Meow

  4. Pansy looks like a sweetheart and her friends are providing her with quite the plush pillow there. I'm glad she found you.

  5. How lovely that poor little Pansy has found a loving home and family. She's a beautiful looking girl, so well cared for.

    Have a wonderful week.

  6. Pansy is very fortunate that she found a wonderful Forever Home with you. She is lucky that she was rescued and sounds like a very special cat.

  7. That story makes me want to cry. Why would those kids have tortured her? Things like that make me so angry. Thank goodness you were so kind and helped her. People like you keep the world a better place.

  8. You're very good to save her. Bless your kind heart.

  9. What a wonderful "tail". Pansy is beautiful! So elegant and assured of her status. She looks well cared for. that's a very protective group you have there. Congrats! D :)

  10. A cute kitty and a gorgeous adult cat. I love this special story and your photos .And I´m happy you help her !!!

  11. Sounds like Pansy found an angel in you that day!

  12. The cats take care of the less fortunate in their society? And they call them Dumb animals? HA!
    Human beings could learn a thing or two from the so-called "dumb animals", no?

  13. I agree with the others...Pansy is a beauty...please tell her Anela thinks so goo!


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