Monday, May 02, 2011

Sights in the Spring Woods

Hoof Fungus (Fomes Fomentarius)  3
Hoof Fungus (Fomes Fomentarius)

The Brook Out Back (29 of 100).jpg
Deer scat

The Brook Out Back (32 of 100).jpg
Hundreds of trout lilies erupting from the forest floor.

The Brook Out Back (30 of 100).jpg
An emerging trout lily leaf.

Trametes suaveolens (1 of 2).jpg
The bracket fungus Trametes suaveolens on maple.

Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) (1 of 2).jpg
Christmas Ferns (Polystichum acrostichoides)

Lichen (2 of 2).jpg



  1. glad to have stopped by from fb.... love how you each photo captured the season and place... love the first photo the fungus reminds me of stone...

  2. Thank you, Ms Pie ;0)
    I love the woods this time of year. There is so much promise and the promise is always and every year fulfilled.

  3. Ah spring--such hope.

    Our trout lilies are already in full flower, and the fawn lilies too!

  4. Hi, Mary. You are the 2nd person to talk about other wild lilies. The other person talked about white ones . . . I looked up your fawn lilies and see that these are his white ones. They are gorgeous! I have to see if they would grow in zone 3 here.


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