Sunday, November 08, 2009

The Barred Rocks

Amelia has a flock of 11 Barred Rock hens in Barton, Vermont. We were in Barton this past weekend to put a roof on the house. I compiled a bunch of videos that I took and made three movies of the funny chickens. In the first video, we are invited into the barn (hen house) by two of the hens. Inside, a hen is attended by another as she sits on two eggs. Two other hens take us on a tour of the barn.

In this second video, above, several hens are taking baths in the wet earth near the barn. There were originally twelve chickens, but one was eaten by a fox, bear, coyote or fisher. These eleven hens are now only allowed outside in the daytime and are closely watched.

Barred Rocks are a species of Plymouth Rock chickens. The breed was developed in New England in the mid 1800s. There are several colors of Plymouth Rocks. The Barred Rocks are good layers and are easily tamed and very curious. Their eggs are brown and one hen can lay 200 eggs in her lifetime. For more information on Plymouth Rocks, go to

This last video is my favorite — especially from 4:10 to the end. The wind was blowing fiercely but that didn't bother the hens. I was practicing calling them. They had gradually become adjusted to having me hang out with them, so they responded quickly when I called. The quality of this video is the best, too. I'm still learning videography!

1 comment:

  1. I used to have barred rocks! I loved them! :-D They were among my favorites (I also loved the banties)


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