Sunday, June 05, 2011

Yellow Rocket

Common winter cress (yellow rocket) (Barbarea vulgaris)-1.jpg
Barbarea vulgaris

I'm identifying more and more wildflowers! This is yellow rocket, also called common winter cress. In the photo above, you see it on May 7 as it is forming blossoms. Below are the buds, the blooms, and what yellow rocket looks like when you walk in a field.

Common winter cress (yellow rocket) (Barbarea vulgaris)-1-1.jpg

Yellow rocket grows across all of North America and is considered a weed by the USDA (but not by me). It "usually occurs in non-wetlands (estimated probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found on wetlands (estimated probability 1%-33%)." (Source: ) It is one of our earlier blossoming flowers. It attracts cabbage white butterflies, of which we have zillions. To see my photos of cabbage whites, click here.

Common winter cress (yellow rocket) Barbarea vulgaris)-1.jpg

Common winter cress (yellow rocket) (Barbarea vulgaris)-5.jpg

Common winter cress (yellow rocket) (Barbarea vulgaris)-1.jpg



  1. You have some interesting thoughts! Perhaps we should contemplate about attempting this myself.

  2. edible, I believe, but bitter after flowering.

  3. @Mary: another edible? That's cool!

    @LSBF: thank you for your visit. Attempting what yourself?

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