Saturday, August 04, 2007

Colleen Has A Sweet Ass

Yeah, that's me talking about Colleen's sweet ass. I haven't suddenly become publicly profane (but I will continue to be, privately, profane). This is an Internets experiment for Mr. Fabulous at Pointless Drivel, a marvelous blog I found from a link on A Strange Life. On A Strange Life Colleen's sweet ass is mentioned a total of ten times. I didn't count because I trust. I don't think I have the nerve to mention Colleen's sweet ass ten times because I have this reputation. I wouldn't want any student of mine to read what I write about Colleen's sweet ass. I don't want any of my students (or Wingnut either) to even know that I know sweet ass words or that I would look at Colleen's sweet ass. I have a hard enough time trying to not cuss in front of them. This is an experiment for the Internets and I am interested in research. That is why Colleen's sweet ass is important.

But I do want to say this: I returned to the original Mr. Fabulous post and Colleen does have a sweet ass. I saw it. For real. It's sweet. It isn't a Sculpey ass neither. It is simply Colleen's sweet ass.

Technorati tags:
(xtra points for Technorati tags. I asked Mr. F but he hasn't responded so I am adding Colleen's sweet ass to my tags)


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