Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Sweet Pea

There is a tortie cat in this video that is not Sweet Pea.

My Anna's Sweet Pea passed today. Anna shared an iPhone Pet Friends video of Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea has been ill with diabetes for about two years. Anna and Aaron have worked closely with their veterinarian all this time.

Sweet Pea came to Anna in 2008 on a Hartford, Connecticut city street. A drug dealer had a kitten and wanted Anna to buy her from him. Anna said fine, she'd pay and the addict handed the kitten to her. Anna then walked away without paying. He threatened her but she said loudly so all could hear, "I've rescued this cat from you, you motherfucker. Get the fuck away from us." Anna is my formidable daughter. 

Sweet Pea has been with her ever since. 

🌈💔 Rest gently, Sweet Pea. We all love you. 🌈 💔


  1. I am so sad about Sweet Pea ~ but she was rescued and given a loving life and gave lots of love ~ healing energy hugs to you all ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. We're all so sorry to hear about dear Sweet Pea, it's never easy to lose a loved one. Hugs from all of us.

  3. What a sweet tribute. I lost my cat Lacey earlier this month. They steal your heart, don't they.

  4. We are so happy that Anna rescued Sweet Pea but we are so very sorry for her loss. Hugs♥

  5. Just imagine all those wonderful years that Anna had a good life. We hate to lose our pets at any point but it's wonderful to know that we have helped them in so many ways.

  6. My heart aches for the loss. It's so wonderful that the kitty had such a great life with your daughter.


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