Sunday, April 22, 2007

Morning Canadian Geese

Nesting Pair 4/22/07 - 4, originally uploaded by meeyauw.

Do Canadian geese return to the same nesting area every year? Last year was the first time Canadian geese nested here. As soon as the babies could move, the family left and summered at Crystal Lake State Park down the road. Now they (or another pair) have returned.

I need a Cannon Rebel XTi and lenses and bags and stuff!

Go to Canadian Geese flickr set for more photos of this pair.


  1. Yup. I raised a Canadian Goose as a child and the family still returns yearly. :)

  2. Love the shot, even without your Rebel XTi...Hm - something I might need to safe up for.

    I don't know too much about wild-life though. Only to stay away from rattlesnakes and scorpions :)

  3. Thank you, Heather! So these are the same guys! I am beginning to feel affection for them (but the other ducks aren't coming much at all now :-(

  4. I don't think ducks and geese often frequent the same ponds. We would occasionally get a Mallard pair but in general just geese. Our pond was a major stopover for a hundred or so and just a few couples would stay to nest. They tend to chase off the others.

  5. Thanks for the comment of my steps pictures. If you want to know a little more about this historical place then go here to my Country & City blog.

  6. We just had a bunch of honkers fly over the house, my they are noisy!

  7. nice capture
    have a great week

  8. I love my Canon Rebel XTi. Seriously, love is not too strong of a word here. :) My husband got it for me for our anniversary. Takes great pics! I just need the lens to magnify it now! Oh well, photoshop will have to do!

    Take care!

  9. Hi Meeyauw- the same pair of geese will return to the same spot to nest each year. I see our pair is out sitting in the field eyeballing the pond in anticipation of their annual occupation. The first year they came here, our kids caught their kids, lol...after a whole lot of hissing and honking. I'm surprised the geese not only stayed that season but have come back every year since. Wild geese also mate for life.
    Glad to see you stopped by the other day. I'm just now getting around to visit since we had a busy weekend with company.


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