2022 Photo a Day

This page is a total mess. 2023 will be cleaner.

09.17.2022 Bread is my therapy

09.19.2022 The Temptations Jar

09.21.2022 Sheep in the meadow

09.23.202 Kentucky Butter Cake


09.27.2022: Macaroni
and cheese ready to bake

09.29.2022 Red-tailed Hawk

10.01.2022 Willoughby Gap
from Morgan

row1 col 1
Andree: humane & altruistic;
intuitive; seeks to protect the most defenseless;
attentive to detail

09.20.2022  My office wall

09.22.2022 Equinox Day

09.24.2022: Kelly's 
cookie for Lucy

09.26.2022 A gift from Jody

09.28.2022 The old furnace is out

09.30.2022 Abandoned
Christmas Tree Farm

10.02.2022: American Kestrel
(Falco sparverius)
Awful shot but documented

row1 col 2
10.04.2022 Bald Mountain
from Morgan

10.06.2022 Willoughby Gap

10.08.2022 Lucy checks the
wind for monsters

row2 col 1
10.03.2022 Cookie Time!
10.05.2022: Milo and his bear.

10.07.2022 Jody was in my woods.

10.09.2022 Nell kisses Lucy

10.10.2022 Stewie

Waiting for state trooper

row2 col 2
10.12.2022 Damage from deer

10.14.2022 One of my favorite apple trees is ready for the deer.

10.15.2022 Lucy got no nip

10.18.2022 KAF Cake Pan Cake

10.20.2022 Orzo, no rice

Another Harmonia axyridis

10.23.2022 Tamaracks at peak.

10.25.2022 Found from past class; a gift

10.28.2022 F's pinata for Halloween party

10.29.2022 An awful photo of Betsy's first night in bed

10.31.2022 Preparing fields with slurry

11.02.2022 Still warm outside, thank goodness.

11.04.2022 Crazy flowers on Thanksgiving Cactus

11.05.2022 Sorry for the Halloween witch. It bothered me that I had not posted before. From the school Halloween party.

11.06.2022 Betsy often has this funny face.

11.08.2022 I'm finally using gift from school tonight.

11.12.2022 I've got to start making focaccia like Andrew

11.14.2022 Amy (and Dori) have a snowday for broken boiler

11.16.2022 Lucy runs inside after playing in first snowfall.

11.18.2022 Still snowing. I'm going to be trying a lot of these shots.

11.20.2022 It was snowing (again) at a good clip and Lucy loved it.

11.22.2022 The blueberry "cobbler" from The Spruce made me sick to my stomach.

11.23.2022 So much for their expensive new toys.

11.25.2022 Knocking plants off shelves is more fun than expensive new toys.

11.28.2022 I came down to a trashed toy room this morning.

11.30.2022 Neighbors

12.02.2022 It was brutally cold in the house last night even with a new furnace.

12.04.2022 I do not like when a species is downgraded to genus only: Globetail Genus Sphaerophoria

12.06.2022 A king-size bed but Betsy is sleeping, Nelly is biscuit making and Lucy is watching TV. No room for me!

12.08.2022 Six-pointed stars we made in class today to go with our four-pointed stars on the windows.

10.13.2022 Almost home.

10.16.2022 Hydrangea at church

10.17.2022 My soap dispenser that I love


10.21.2022 Jay Peak from Charleston

10.24.2022 Tamaracks around a pond in Morgan

10.26.2022 Sunset and
tamaracks at home

10.27.2022 Amy's photo of her rainbow yesterday.

10.30.2022 Betsy found the toilet paper.

11.01.2022 It's November.

11.03.2022 Betsy came to bed last night.

11.07.2022 Pork tenderloin, gloppy garlic but excellent. I can still cook.

11.09.2022 Hay bales in Charleston

11.10.2022 Morgan farm

11.11.2022 Abandoned cat food after they have decided to go dry.

11.13.2022 A gift from Andrew

11.15.2022 I debated posting this but I am.

11.17.2022 Gerry repaired the hedgehog's dining table

11.19.2022 Anna sent me this photo of new pizza place in New Haven for my Lucy

11.21.2022 $4.20 and $68.24 to fill up

11.24.2022 Lucy has always been able to spot porcupines in trees. Here, she is watching one.

11.26.2022 Andrew's pumpkin pie with cutouts

11.27.2022 Thanksgiving night 2022

11.29.2022 A porcupine ran into the woods either from front of house or inside garage when I came home.

12.01.2022 Betsy naps in new tree.

12.03.2022 Andrew with Sheetal at Zoo Lights in DC

12.05.2022 The Thanksgiving turkeys have come to roost in my office (from the Junior High kids)

12.07.2022 Andrew at the Nati8onal Zoo

12.09.2022 She kissed me!

12.10.2022 My hairdresser's place.

12.11.2022 So I've learned Betsy likes to hunt in the basement and then play in water.  😒

I need cookie to avoid starvation.

12.13.2022 Anna found a mouse outside.

12.14.2022 Same photo but effects from https://www.remove.bg/upload

12.15.2022 K class won the Make Your Staff a Snow Person prize

12.16.2022 This was going to be my Skywatch Friday
but focus and composition were awful.

12.17.2022 Andrew and Remy have an annual battle about Christmas trees. 

12.18.2022 Amelia's house after shoveling the roof yesterday.

12.19.2022 Happy Birthday, Amelia!
We walked into school to Dunkin Doughnuts and the gym all decorated with trees and wrapping station. All done by Sarah Briggs, her sister, and one of our therapists over the weekend.

12.20.2022 The school Christmas party for the kids with gift bags and Secret Santa under all of the trees.

12.21.2022 My Andrew is the best baker!

12.22.2022 Lucy got her Andy's Dandys treat early.

12.23.2022 I made a cake pan cake with ganache topping.
Somebody nibbled into a corner?

12.24.2022 Amy's squall at her house before it was a whiteout at my house.

12.25.2022 I finally got a decent portrait of Nelly

12.26.2022 Le Creuset recipe risen dough.

12.27.2022 The 2022 Bentley snowflake

12.28.2022 Lucy made me a heart. 

12.29.2022 Of all 8 family cats, only 3 participated. Boringly.

12.30.2022 Biga for Pane di Como today.

12.31.2022 Yesterday's Pane di Como


  1. So fantastic that you are doing this! Love your photos.


    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting, Soma! <3


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