Thursday, February 23, 2023

Oh, Poppy!

Today's drive to school behind the plow on my road.

I'm not going to spend much time on the weather. It's a bore at this point and only going to get worse. But next week is vacation week! And in Vermont, we get extra days because of Town Meeting Day on the first Tuesday of March. Ten calendar days free! But I have earned it. It has been very difficult since the holidays. I've had two bad colds, my car almost fell apart. Literally. But the men at school drove it carefully to be fixed in town. For $1,200, I think you can get anything fixed; and fixed well. Wheel bearing, brakes, and stabilization bar all broke at once. Every single engine light went off within two miles of school. But all of that is over. Spring may come. The crows are showing up sporadically from the village where they spend the winter. I heard either sparrows or swallows yesterday. Because of the many problems I have had, I have not been too chipper. But I'm digging out of the hole and coming back slowly. πŸ‘Œ

This post is about Poppy. Oh, Poppy. She is a character. And that character is blooming. She is spending as much time with me as possible getting scratches. She sleeps on the left side at night (Nelly and Lucy have always been my right side). I have two hands busy scratching necks as we all fall asleep every night. 

But wait! She gets cuter!

There are downsides, though. She seems to enjoy sleeping on my wireless charger, as you can see. Will it affect the charger? We shall see.

She has learned that she can drag out towels and construct nest-type beds out of them on the floor.

We know how she loves to knock over plants. She also loves to eat my once-luxurious clover plants that are no longer luxurious. 

She also loves to bring her cellar-dirtied feet to the bathroom sink. And if I have left water in a cup, she can play in it and decorate the entire bathroom.

I love that kitty. She has been a great match. Have I told you how she is a silent purr-er? You can never hear her purr unless you put your ear to her chest. Well, I did hear the purr once. But just the once. But now I know she does purr. Before I thought she never did. Now I know she purrs more than most cats I have known. She is very quiet and unassuming cat. She is quite the character.



  1. Snow truck removing the snow in large volume. What a scene

  2. Hello,
    We have had a mild winter and not much snow at all. I hope you stay warm and safe and enjoy your vacation. Poppy is a cute character.
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. That sweet Poppy. She's a happy girl with you. She'll enjoy every minute of those 10 days you deserve off. Sorry to hear how the car fell apart, but what a blessing it could be repaired. Precious never purred out loud for the first 5 or 6 years with us. It was the same as Poppy, just had to put my ear on her rib cage to realize she was. Now she purrs out loud for food and hair brushing. Lynn

  4. Poppy has a huge personality! I'm glad she is doing so well with you.

  5. Poppy is such a cute kitty. 🐾😺
    She's so lucky to have a mom like you.

    Hugs and blessings, Andree


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