Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve

Lucy said, "No thanks. I can hold it."

It was a tense day yesterday with this storm, but it all ended well. There was pouring rain all day, and the temperature reached 41°F (5°C). The state told us all to stay off of the roads after 4PM because a flash freeze was coming. I guess we all did. Businesses closed and no traffic came down my road at all. Amelia reported a heavy snow squall about 7 PM in Orleans. It got here soon after and was a whiteout. We never lost power. Currently, at 10:30 AM, it is 7°F (-14°C) with a windchill of -7°F (-22°C). It feels normal again.

Dough for two loaves

Lodge Combo Cooker (bread oven)

Le Creuset Bread Oven

I have bread rising. My children jointly gave me an early Christmas gift of a Le Creuset bread oven. I will bake one loaf in that and one in my Lodge Combo Cooker. The Lodge is also advertised as a bread oven and reviewers say the bread results are identical but that the Le Creuset oven is a work of art, which it is. It is one of the loveliest things I have ever owned.  I also plan to do at least one pie and a meatloaf. Those will depend on my knees, but so far so good. 

The cats and Lucy are quietly napping as the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols streams from St. Michael's College on Vermont Public Radio's classical station.

As for church tonight? There is an accommodation for us who cannot get out at night—we can Zoom in. I give thanks every day for computer technology.

Grandkitty Remy relaxes on Christmas Eve
at home in Washington, DC
Since Remy takes down every tree ever put up,
Andrew now just has a wreath on the wall.



  1. Merry Christmas. It is wonderful you can enjoy church services from the safety of home. Not the same as getting hugs and friendly greetings live, but still good.

  2. I had to Livestream the Christmas Eve service, too. A blessed and beautiful Merry Christmas to you!

  3. Happy Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas from all of us!

  4. Wow! What a snow storm! I like it. I don't like possible consequences, of course, but the storm itself is fascinating. I like when it snows, I like snow - unfortunately, in the city where I live, it doesn't snow anymore like it used to snow about five years ago (I miss the snow).
    Lucy is brave!
    Wonderful atmosphere at your place! I can easily imagine the smell of fresh bread!
    Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too!

  5. Cute Lucy, stay warm and safe! Merry Christmas to you and your family. I wish you joy and peace and all the best in 2023.

  6. I can understand Lucy! Good to read that you survived the cold snap - here in Europe we mostly read horror stories about it... Your bread oven is truly a beauty! Then I wish you good luck with your baking!
    Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023, Traude

  7. Meowy Catmas sweeties, we hope your day is EPIC! Sending oodles of festive joy and cheer!


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