Saturday, August 13, 2022

Saturday Critters of the Week

Masked Bee (Genus Hylaeus)

Masked bees are so tiny (like flying little ants): almost invisible. I call them Zorro bees. They are native, and live solitary, and are important pollinators. So cute! 😍

Common Willow Calligrapha 

(Calligrapha multipunctata)

The calligrapha leaf beetles? How does nature do that? 😘

Banded Longhorn Beetle 

(Typocerus velutinus)

Everybody's gotta love long-horned beetles!  💖

Goldenrod Bunch Gall


I have found three goldenrod plants with this gall formation. I will be sleeving them soon to protect them from predators. Spring project for school: bring them inside and raise the insect larvae that are overwintering in there. New species for me here!  😁

Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus lineolaris

and plant bug (Genus Taedia) with mite

This shot? Just because it tickles me: 2 species at the same time, and one has a mite. Bugs have bugs!  😊

Winsome Fly egg (Istocheta aldrichi) on 

Japanese Beetle

If you garden in New England or maritime Canada, you may want to learn about this fly that lays eggs on Japanese beetles.  😊

Tricolored Bumble Bee (Bombus ternarius)

This is my favorite native bumble bee: our three-colored ternarius. There are not many this year, but I'm not going to worry. This has happened before.  😟

Have a wonderful week, everyone. It looks like we are finally going to have some typical, normal summer weather. I can't wait to see your critters!


  1. Hello, Andree
    Beautiful captures of the insects. The last shot of the bumble bee on the flower is my favorite. We have been finding the Japanese Beetles here, they are attacking a few of our bushes. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. .

  2. Beautiful photos. I researched the first three insects, as I have never seen them before. The Common Willow Calligrapha is amazing. In the early years of our garden, I would knock Japanese Beetles off the grape vines into a bowl of soap water, over and over again. Since I garden mostly native now, I've only seen one this year. So nice not to have to worry about them. I looked back through your posts, and I'm so sorry for your loss. It's nice to have pets and family around. Thank you for leaving a comment on my post, and I'm wishing you a beautiful week of normal weather. Enjoy!

  3. That tricolored bumblebee is outstanding! What a beauty!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous insects, beautifully clicked!

  5. Enjoyed your photography. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog - I left a longer comment on another of your recent posts.

  6. I never got that involved with bugs and beetles before. The Common Willow Calligrapha is so pretty up close.


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