Saturday, July 23, 2022

Primrose Moths

These are the best photos of primrose moths (Schinia florida) that I took, with John, between 2010 and 2019. He discovered them one day while mowing and brought one into the house for me. We carefully photographed it and returned it home. It was so small and it took a lot of practice to be able to know how to handle them for the best photos. But we did and we found how beautiful they are with their bright green googly eyes. There is music but the volume is very low. You may prefer to watch it without the audio. 



  1. So this is where you're hiding! I just saw a Rosy Maple moth posted on Facebook and it made me think of you and how I hadn't seen any posts from you for some time so I looked at your page and found a link to this BLOG and here I am! :)
    What a beautiful little moth that one is and very similar colours to the one I just mentioned too.
    I'll pop in again to read some more of your posts but right now it's bedtime here in Australia.
    Nice to see you're still out observing and documenting nature, Andrée.

    1. Hi! I've been having a hard time returning to life since John died. And I'm sort of off Facebook, too, after Z's shenanigans with politics. Trying Twitter and using this blog to try to reconnect somehow with the world. Thank you for the effort it took to get here! I do appreciate it. xxx


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