Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Worldless Wednesday: The Second Vermont Republic at The Bread & Puppet

A giant puppet promoting the establishment of the
Second Vermont Republic at the Bread & Puppet Museum

All text is from Wikipedia:
Vermont Republic:
"The Vermont Republic was a North American independent republic founded in 1777 and continuing until 1791, when it became Vermont – the fourteenth state of the United States."

Second Vermont Republic:
"Second Vermont Republic (SVR) is a secessionist movement within the U.S. state of Vermont to return the independent status of the Vermont Republic from 1777–91."

Bread and Puppet Theater:
"The Bread and Puppet Theater (often known simply as Bread & Puppet) is a politically radical puppet theater, active since the 1960s, currently based in Glover, Vermont."

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  1. I had a neighbor in Danbury, Conn., who was from Vermont. She used to say with pride, "They don't WANT to pave the roads in Vermont." That said it all. She was proud of her home state, but she had a wonderful sense of humor about the whole thing--like this puppet.

  2. I sure miss New England. The people, the politics, the weather. All of it.

  3. I miss New England too. Happy WW.

  4. I have never been to Vermont although I travelled from Wisconsin through North Dakota til California and from there till Boston through a lot of States but don't remember Vermont.

  5. How interesting, Vermont being declared a republic twice...I didn't know that.

    The puppet theatre looks really fascinating...one day I will come and visit your beautiful state.

  6. From that angle he is one scary-looking dude.

  7. Maybe Puss-in-boots and I can carpool together. It looks fascinating.

  8. You learn something new every day! Thank you for being my teacher today. :)

  9. Vermont is a place I always see in movies and read about in books. Of all my travels, I've never made it to the north east states. I love the pictures you post.

  10. Vermont seems like another world to me. Apparently it is. I've got to get out there at least to see the unpaved roads and a radical political puppet show. I cannot imagine.

  11. Im so happy you liked it, and about all im happy cusa you smile!!
    life is so sand andhappy at the same time right? thats why living can be hard. My best wishes for you!


  12. Interesting! He looks like he has a "speak no evil" mouth.

  13. That's really interesting - the photo and everything I just learned about Vermont too! :)

  14. I love so much being able to learn something new from making WW rounds! Thanks for the share.


  15. Well, I live down in Connecticut right now, but I grew up in Massachusetts, just across the Vermont line.

    I have a lot of friends in Vermont who are currently secessionists, and other friends who are big Bread and Puppets fans, so it is great to see this.

  16. Very interesting picture. I'm sure there are many over in VT that want a second republic. Heck, I'm sure there's some that'd want that over here in NH.

  17. How interesting! I must visit one day!

  18. Ah I did not realise that Vermont thad been a republic for a while. Interesting stuff!

  19. Well it's not Wednesday anymore but that was a busy night. I've never been to Vermont but all you northeastern bloggers make me want to visit.


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