Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Last Surviving Soldier of the Revolution

"Born in Enfield, Conn. in 1760, Joel McGregor enlisted in 1777 and served five years. Taken prisoner by the British, he was confined eight months in the famous OLD SUGAR HOUSE in New York City. He settled in Newport (New Hampshire) in 1789 and was a resident for 72 years, dying October 31, 1861 at the age of 101. He is believed to have been New Hampshire's last surviving soldier of the Revolution."

I have found that at least three sugar houses in New York City were used as prisons for American soldiers during the Revolution. I will assume that the Old Sugar House on Liberty Street is the one which is spoken of on the plaque above. The conditions of the prisons were horrid. I am gratified that McGregor lived a long and hopefully peaceful life in New Hampshire after his suffering as a prisoner of war.

Go read the accounts of the Old Sugar House at Incidents of the Revolution and British Prisons and Prison Ships.

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Pressure Cooking

This was the first time I ever used a pressure cooker. I was thrilled with the results! The carrots were sweeter than I have ever tasted. The pot roast was not dry. Only ninety minutes were needed for the perfect pot roast. I have been having lots of fun cooking and baking the past few months. I guess I have great motivation and appreciation now.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Autumn Clouds

From October 26, 2009 off of the side deck.

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Buddy & Zorro Now Cuddle

After years of ignoring each other, Buddy and Zorro now cuddle together when they sleep. This is because Zorro's cuddle cats have passed on. Zorro has been relentlessly pursuing Buddy for this sleeping companionship and Buddy, for months, resisted all of the advances. But the boys have reconciled their differences and now sleep like this every evening. I have benefited from this also, because Buddy has now returned to bed to sleep with me like he did years ago.

Buddy Set

Zorro Set


Sunday, December 27, 2009

LOL Cat Bible: Lectionary Readings for the First Sunday After Christmas, December 27.2009

First Sunday After Christmas
December 27.2009

1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26
Psalm 148
Colossians 3:12-17
Luke 2:41-52

1 Samuel 2:18-26

18 but Samuel wuz ministerin before Ceiling Cat - a boi wearin linen efod.
19 each yeer hims mama maed him lil robe an taekd it to him when her went wif her husband to offr teh yeerly sacrifeic.
20 Eli wud bles Elkanah an his wif, sayin: "cud Ceiling Cat plz givs kittehs to dis woman to replace teh wan she prayd for an den gaev to Ceiling Cat." den dems wud go home.
21 an Ceiling Cat wuz grashus to Hannah; her can has gaev birf to three bois an two girlz. an, teh boi Samuel grew up in da presence ov Ceiling Cat.
22 nao so Eli, hoo wuz rly rly old, herd bout evrythin his bois wuz doin to all israel an dat they slept wif teh women hoo servd at teh entrance to teh tent ov meetin and evrythihn.
23 so hims sed: "y do u do such things? i hear frum all teh peeps bout thees ttly wickd deedz ov yers.
24 no, mah sons; it not gud storees dat i hear among Ceiling Cats peeps. srsly.
25 if kitteh nvisibel err0r gainst othr kitteh, Ceilin Cat [e] cud mediate - but if kitteh nvsibel err0rz agenst Ceiling Cat, hoo can has do NEthing?" hims bois did not listn, for it wuz Ceiling Cat will pwnz0r dems.
26 an teh boi Samuel continud to grow in stachur an in favor wif Ceiling Cat an wif doodz.

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Psalm 148
Prais four Ceiling Cat cuz Him Agsepshunilee Cool

1 Prais teh Ceiling Cat! Prais teh Ceiling Cat, SRSLY! {{verse wai iz yuz no praising yet? }}

2 Prais Him an awl Him angles; {{verse yuz srsly get praising riet nao }}

3 Prais Him,

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Colossians 3:12-17

12 Jest do it, pick uv Ceiling Cats, holy and most likked, petting rectum, warm milk, small bag uv kibble, mewing, scratchy ears;
13 Stop it, pet nudder catz, if squirrelz not gud: if Sky Catz scratch youse hed, so also youse.
14 Most give uddrs yer kibble, datz like cheezbrgrz.
15 Gots nappy Ceiling Cats inna youse ticker, srsly dats big banana; anna youse meowing.
16 Ceiling Cats inna yer azzez; teached and spanked like meowing in alleyway, meow-meow-meow-meow meow-meow-meow-meow for kibble anna happy tickers fur Sky Catz.
17 An doin stuffz, do fer kitten Jebus, tanks Ceiling Cat anna big daddy Yo!.

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Luke 2:41-52
Boy Jebus in da templlez, agen!

41 Evry yeer, hiz parentz went to Jeruzalem for teh Passover par-tay with all teh gud fudz, like lambses an crackerz an wine an of cours cheezburgerz an yummy stuffs.
42 When he wuz 12, Jebus gots to go, too. Sweet!
43 After teh partay wuz over, Jebus decideded to stays der, but hiz parents didnt knowtice.
44 They kinda kept on goin wifout even askin, "Jebus, whar u be?" cos they thot he wuz wif othr famileez on teh trip.
45 But then they did not saw him, an sed, "oh noez! whar are u, Jebus???"
46 Tree hole daze l8r, dey found him at da temmmple wif da teechur doodz bein all smrt an stuffs. s-m-r-t. smrt.
47 Evrybodee sed, "whoa, teh dood is rly smrt, srsly!"
48 But his parents were lyke, "omg Jebus, wtf?
49 an Jebus was lyke, "dood, I can has bein wif my Dad dis hole tyme!"
50 An Joseph was lyke, "o rly? no wai!"
51 So dey all went home togetha an Jebus wuz a gud kid. But all along, hiz momma was lyke, "o rly?"
52 An Jebus wuz big an smrt and both Ceiling Cat an doodz thot he was purty kewl, like teh beez kneez and stuffs.

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Weekend Cat Events

Weekend Cat Blogging
#238 Dez 26-27 New Year’s Edition:

Rocking New Years with The Hotties

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
Edition 111 | Jan 03, 2010

Samantha and The Orange Kitty

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The Carnival of the Cats
#302 – When Cats Attack!
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Visit the Pet Prayer & Praise Blog

Kitty Limericks

Technorati Tags: LOL Cat Church, LOL Cat Bible, Lectionary Readings, Prayer & Praise Blog, Weekend Cat Blogging

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

LOL Cat Bible: Lectionary Readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Micah 5:2-5a
Luke 1:46b-55 or
Psalm 80:1-7
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)

Micah 5:2-5a

2 Yu, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Yur a runt of teh clans of Judah
But srsly, I know wut gunna happen
A LeederKitteh ovah Israel gunna com from yu
An his InsideKitteh gunna be frum old tiems

3 Israel gun be lef a orfan
But den a girlkitteh gun haf kitten
An moar broders gunna com bak
An join bak wif teh Israeites

4 Him gun stan an take caer ov hiz kittehs
in teh strongness ov Ceiling Cat,
in teh srlsy grate naem ov Ceiling Cat hiz omg,
An theyz gun haev lotz fud nom nom nom nom an stuf, for den hiz big pwnage
it gun reach to ends ov urths.

5 An him gun maek em all warm an sleepy.

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Luke 1:46b-55
Mary's Song of Praise - the MagnifiCat (srsly)

46 Mary sed "Ceiling Cat is laik a big deal,
47 Mai I is happy about Ceiling Cat...
48 bcz he kepted me in maind an now evribodi knowz i can haz cheezburgr.
49 Thank u Ceiling Cat, u iz cool.
50 U iz niec to evribodi.
51 Xcept peeplz who doant dizrv it LOL.
52 U haz pwned teh r00lrz
whiel stil bein niec to teh n00bz.
53 U givd cookies to teh hungri
whiel u tolded teh rich "Niec trai."
54 U wuz niec to Israel
55 an to all Abraham's famili liek u promist."

Psalm 80

1 Heer us, shepurd of kittehs,
U hu leded Joseph liek herd of shepez;
U hu sitzed neks to teh cherubimimim, shiend on

2 Befur Ephraim, Benjamin an Manasseh.
Waek up, u strongz;
Com an saivz us!

3 Restoar us, Oh pwrful Ceiling Cat;
Maek ur fase shyn on us,
dat we can has savingz n cheezburgrz.

4 Oh hai, Ceiling Cat,
How longs u wil has smoldrin angryz
Aginst teh meows uv ur kittehs?

5 U has maided dem eets sad emo bredz;
U has maided dem drink sad emo watrz.

6 U can has maided us has problms wif teh kittehs neks dor,
An nao ar enuhmees mahkz us, srsly

7 Restoar us, Oh pwrful Ceiling Cat;
Maek ur fase shyn on us,
dat we can has savingz n cheezburgrz.

8 U bringed a vyn out ov Egypt;
U chaesd out teh othr nayshuns an putted it in a hol.

9 U cleerd teh urfs for it,
An it taekd ruut an filded teh hoel yard.

10 Teh mowntinz can has shayd,
Teh big treez can be cuvred wif it, tu.

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11 It sentd out it bahwz to teh big watrz,
It has shuetz as far as teh skinyr watrz over der.

12 Why u has brokded its wals
So dat jus enibudy can has graepses?

13 Baorz frm teh foerst ravgez it
An teh amnals can eatdz it.

14 Ceiling Cat, coem bak!
Luk dwn from hole in ceiling and si!
Watch ovr dis vyn (masturbatin, LOL!),

15 Teh ruut ur riet hand can has plantd,
Teh babee u has raisd up fur urslf.

16 Ur vyn, it r cut dwn, it can be on fyr nao;
At ur rebuk ur peoplz dy, srsly!

17 Ur hand can sits on teh dood at ur riet hand (for hed scratchs tiem, yes?),
Teh sun of manz u can has raisd up fur urslf.

18 Den we wil not turnz awai frm u;
Halp us, an we wil sai ur naemz.

19 Restoar us, Oh pwrful Ceiling Cat;
Maek ur fase shyn on us,
dat we can has savingz n cheezburgrz.

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Hebrews 10:5-10

5 So when Jeebus come, him sez,
"Sacrifice and gifts you DO NOT WANT, but u makes me a bodi;
6 burnded offerings n sin offerings no makes u happi.
7 Den I sez, 'Iz here - i has own thread in forum - I do wut u sez, Ceiling Cat.'"
8 Furst him sez, "Sakrificez and gifts, burnded ofrings n sin ofrings no makes u happi" (But da rulz sez u must has dem).
9 Den him sez, "I'z here, I do wut u sez." He pwns 1st to make 2th.
10 An so we iz holee bcuz Jeebus giv last sacrifice. Srsly.

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Luke 1:39-45
Mary vizitz Elizabeth

41 When Elizabeth hurd dat, teh kittn insied her gotted all excitd.
42 Elizabeth wuz all "Ceiling Cat givz u cheezburgr, an he givz ur kittn cheezburgr too.
43 I iz lucki dat teh mothr of mai Lord comed to see me.
44 Jus look at what mai kittn did when he heared u.
45 If u beleev dat what Ceiling Cat sed to u wil come true, u can haz cheezburgr."

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Weekend Cat Events

Weekend Cat Blogging
(see the week’s& host to enter your WCB post in the comments for the weekend roundup)

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
Optional Theme
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The Carnival of the Cats
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Visit the Pet Prayer & Praise Blog

Kitty Limericks

Technorati Tags: LOL Cat Church, LOL Cat Bible, Lectionary Readings, Prayer & Praise Blog, Weekend Cat Blogging

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

LOL Cat Bible: Lectionary Readings for the Third Sunday of Advent, December 13, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Zephaniah 3:14-20
Isaiah 12:2-6
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:7-18

Zephaniah 3:14-20

14 Meow, first filial female of Zion; RAWR Itzreal?; drool like old man in full wet diaper, first filial female of Jouslum.
15 Sky Catz is not judge judy, gone fishing for enemas: Big Kahuna of Itzreal?, and Sky Catz is in the house, d00dz: Srsly, I poked you in the eyes again.
16 Then yammered to Jouslum, RAWR NO MORE: and to Zion, STIFF LITTLE FINGERS rocks!!
17 Teh Sky Catz thy Ceiling Cat has big strong wind; Cats rock, Cats happy; Catnap with affection and meow with glee.
18 Me gets many many whining catz, d00dz crying, too heavy to carry.
19 Lookey, me take back furball: me gets gurlz standing by lamp post, drives her to meeting; Yo! you cheer for me in all litterboxz where doo doo sits and smells.
20 Tehn me meows, me gets you; me calls you something-or-other and meows to all Catz of Urth, me puts you in Cat carrier and pokes your eyes, meows the Sky Catz, srsly.

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Isaiah 12
Teh Song Of Kthx

1 On dat dai, teh kittens sai "Oh Ceiling Cat, ai praise yu, yu wuz mad at me but nao yu hug me.
2 Teh Ceiling Cat helpd me so ai will not be frayd ov yu. Teh Ceiling Cat iz mah pop an mah helpr. He giefz meh teh strenth n teh pwr.
3 Liek teh fresh wtrz iz gd to drinkz (n only to drinkz, no washin plskthx), dat is liek how teh Ceilin Cat is to teh othr kittehz dat he saevz."
4 An on dat dai sai "Praise teh Ceiling Cat, he iz teh pwnz0r. Tel him to helpz yu! Tel teh othr kittehz dat he iz teh awesumness!
5 Pls to meowz to teh Ceilin Cat bowt hw much he rawks! Maek sure teh othr kittehz hearz yur meowinz.
6 Pls fur all teh kittehz in teh Zion to yowl n meow! Teh Ceilin Cat frm Israel is teh smexx0rz, n he liefs wid his pplz."

Philippians 4:4-7

4 Purr for Bigcat. Allwais. Dont jus purr, jump!!11! (Srsly. But not too srsly.)
5 Show all kittehs yr gentle. Ceiling Cat comin soon.
6 Dont wory. Asks an thanks Ceiling Cat for stufs.
7 An de Ceiling Cat b chillin. An dis chillin will b lyk NO WAI to aneething that wanna hurt yr feelin and thinkin. Dem gonna stai in Jebus. Srsly.

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Luke 3:7-18

7 Lotz of peeplz caem to get bath frm John. He wuz all "U iz snaekz.
8 U needz to behaev. N quit sayin Abraham is ur daddi liek dat maeks a differns. Ceiling Cat cud chaenj a rock into a kittn of Abraham LOL.
9 Teh ax iz reddi to cut down te treez. Ani tree datz no good iz goin on teh fier."
10 Evribodi wuz all "O noes! Whut now?"
11 John wuz all "U shud shaer ur flee collrz wif catz who duzn hav ani. An shaer ur cookies too."
12 Dere wuz sum IRS d00dz dere n dey askded whut dey shud do.
13 John wuz liek "Doant steal duh."
14 N sum soljrz askted whut dey shud do.15 John wuz liek "Dont steal an dont tell liez."
Hovr Cat dessens from teh Ceiling.
15 Sum peepl wundrded if maybi John wuz Christ.
16 John wuz liek "No. I givz u baff wif watr, but Christ will giv u a baff with Hovr Cat an wif fier too.
17 He iz goin to put all teh wheet in hiz barn an burn teh trash on teh fier.
18 At leest he gived dem sum good newz along wif teh bad newz.

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Weekend Cat Events

Weekend Cat Blogging
#236 Dez 12-13 Breadchick and LB
at The Sour Dough

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
Edition 111 | Jan 03, 2010

Host needed!
(submit your post here)

The Carnival of the Cats
#300 is going to Carnival of the Cats home Sunday Evening
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Visit the Pet Prayer & Praise Blog

Kitty Limericks

Technorati Tags: LOL Cat Church, LOL Cat Bible, Lectionary Readings, Prayer & Praise Blog, Weekend Cat Blogging

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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

A Boy and His Goat

While we were photographing high water on the Blackwater River, we spied this boy walking his goat on a leash on a village road. I should have run up to him and asked permission for photographs with a better view, but I shied from doing that. If you click on the photograph here, you will see the photo in its original size in a new window.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

LOL Cat Bible: Lectionary Readings for the Second Sunday of Advent, December 6, 2009

Second Sunday of Advent
December 6, 2009

Malachi 3:1-4 or
Baruch 5:1-9
Luke 1:68-79
Philippians 1:3-11
Luke 3:1-6

Malachi 3:1-4

1 "I wil send mai d00d wif a messij about teh deal i wil be offrin u. O an he wil maek evrithin reddi for me to com. Den teh lord u iz lookin for wil com to hiz templ," sez Ceiling Cat.
2 But when he showz up it wil be ruff, bcz he iz liek soap (srsly).
3 He wil maek evrithin cleen an peepl wil give Ceiling Cat prezintz,
4 an he wil sai "OK u can giv me prezintz" liek in teh old dayz.

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Luke 1:68-79
Zechariah's Song

67 Hovr Cat wuz in Zechariah, makin him tell teh fyoochr.
68 "Good for u Ceiling Cat, u maed thingz bettr for Israel.
69 U pickted up a trumpit for us.
70 Liek teh profetz sed u wud.
71 U protectided us from all teh bulliez.
72 U wuz niec to our daddiz an remembrd dey hadded a deel wif u.
73 Teh deal u maded wif Abraham,
74 to protect us, n let us work for u wifout fear
75 n be good all our lievz.
76 Mai kittn, peeplz wil call u Ceiling Cat's profet
becz us wil get evrithin reddi for him,
77 so dat peeplz Invisible Errors will be forgivn,
78 bcz Ceiling Cat iz niec, liek teh sun
79 dat shienz an liets teh wai."
80 Teh kittn growded up strong evn tho he livded in teh dezrt.

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Philippians 1:3-11
THX nd Teh Prayr

3 Ebry time I thinks of yu, I sai "THX Ceiling Cat!"
4 Yu maeks me happy,
5 cuz yu has been mai friends 4 a long tiem.
6 I kno teh Ceiling Cat, he wurks wit yu all teh tiem.
7 Yu nd me, we r BFFL wit teh Ceiling Cat.
8 Ceiling Cat knos how much I luvs yu all!
9 I can has prayr that yu will has teh brainz AND teh luv.
10 That wai, yu will knos wat is imprtant nd yu will be gud.
11 I wants yu 2 always be gud, so yu can has teh cheezburgers nd teh cookies nd moar!

Luke 3:1-6
John teh Baptest iz on teh job

1 Tiberius Caesar had been around for a whiel
2 an John teh Baptist herd teh werd of Ceiling Cat.
3 He wented all around teh Jordan River sayin "If I givz u bath it taekz awai teh Invisible Errors."
4 Liek Isaiah sez,
"Sumwun in teh desrt is sayin,
'Maek a niec road for Ceiling Cat.'
5 Fil in all teh potholz
an sand down all teh speedbumpz.
No hairpin curvz
an no gravl.
6 Evribodi will see how graet Ceiling Cat iz."

Weekend Cat Events

Weekend Cat Blogging
#235 Dez 05-06 is being held by Sir Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail
at Tabbylicious
Kashim @ Paulchen’s Foodblog?!

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos
Edition 110 | Dec 06, 2009

Kashim & Othello and Salome

(submit your post here)

The Carnival of the Cats
#299 is going to CatSynth Sunday Evening
(submit your post here)

Visit the Pet Prayer & Praise Blog

Kitty Limericks

Technorati Tags: LOL Cat Church, LOL Cat Bible, Lectionary Readings, Prayer & Praise Blog, Weekend Cat Blogging

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009